170 lines
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170 lines
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# passport-jwt
A [Passport](http://passportjs.org/) strategy for authenticating with a
[JSON Web Token](http://jwt.io).
This module lets you authenticate endpoints using a JSON web token. It is
intended to be used to secure RESTful endpoints without sessions.
## Supported By
If you want to quickly add secure token-based authentication to Node.js apps, feel free to check out Auth0's Node.js SDK and free plan at [auth0.com/developers](https://auth0.com/developers?utm_source=GHsponsor&utm_medium=GHsponsor&utm_campaign=passport-jwt&utm_content=auth) <img alt='Auth0 Logo' src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/passport-jwt-img/Auth0+logo.svg'/>
## Install
npm install passport-jwt
## Usage
### Configure Strategy
The JWT authentication strategy is constructed as follows:
new JwtStrategy(options, verify)
`options` is an object literal containing options to control how the token is
extracted from the request or verified.
* `secretOrKey` is a string or buffer containing the secret
(symmetric) or PEM-encoded public key (asymmetric) for verifying the token's
signature. REQUIRED unless `secretOrKeyProvider` is provided.
* `secretOrKeyProvider` is a callback in the format `function secretOrKeyProvider(request, rawJwtToken, done)`,
which should call `done` with a secret or PEM-encoded public key (asymmetric) for the given key and request combination.
`done` accepts arguments in the format `function done(err, secret)`. Note it is up to the implementer to decode rawJwtToken.
REQUIRED unless `secretOrKey` is provided.
* `jwtFromRequest` (REQUIRED) Function that accepts a request as the only
parameter and returns either the JWT as a string or *null*. See
[Extracting the JWT from the request](#extracting-the-jwt-from-the-request) for
more details.
* `issuer`: If defined the token issuer (iss) will be verified against this
* `audience`: If defined, the token audience (aud) will be verified against
this value.
* `algorithms`: List of strings with the names of the allowed algorithms. For instance, ["HS256", "HS384"].
* `ignoreExpiration`: if true do not validate the expiration of the token.
* `passReqToCallback`: If true the request will be passed to the verify
callback. i.e. verify(request, jwt_payload, done_callback).
* `jsonWebTokenOptions`: passport-jwt is verifying the token using [jsonwebtoken](https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken).
Pass here an options object for any other option you can pass the jsonwebtoken verifier. (i.e maxAge)
`verify` is a function with the parameters `verify(jwt_payload, done)`
* `jwt_payload` is an object literal containing the decoded JWT payload.
* `done` is a passport error first callback accepting arguments
done(error, user, info)
An example configuration which reads the JWT from the http
Authorization header with the scheme 'bearer':
var JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy,
ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt;
var opts = {}
opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken();
opts.secretOrKey = 'secret';
opts.issuer = 'accounts.examplesoft.com';
opts.audience = 'yoursite.net';
passport.use(new JwtStrategy(opts, function(jwt_payload, done) {
User.findOne({id: jwt_payload.sub}, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err, false);
if (user) {
return done(null, user);
} else {
return done(null, false);
// or you could create a new account
### Extracting the JWT from the request
There are a number of ways the JWT may be included in a request. In order to remain as flexible as
possible the JWT is parsed from the request by a user-supplied callback passed in as the
`jwtFromRequest` parameter. This callback, from now on referred to as an extractor,
accepts a request object as an argument and returns the encoded JWT string or *null*.
#### Included extractors
A number of extractor factory functions are provided in passport-jwt.ExtractJwt. These factory
functions return a new extractor configured with the given parameters.
* ```fromHeader(header_name)``` creates a new extractor that looks for the JWT in the given http
* ```fromBodyField(field_name)``` creates a new extractor that looks for the JWT in the given body
field. You must have a body parser configured in order to use this method.
* ```fromUrlQueryParameter(param_name)``` creates a new extractor that looks for the JWT in the given
URL query parameter.
* ```fromAuthHeaderWithScheme(auth_scheme)``` creates a new extractor that looks for the JWT in the
authorization header, expecting the scheme to match auth_scheme.
* ```fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken()``` creates a new extractor that looks for the JWT in the authorization header
with the scheme 'bearer'
* ```fromExtractors([array of extractor functions])``` creates a new extractor using an array of
extractors provided. Each extractor is attempted in order until one returns a token.
### Writing a custom extractor function
If the supplied extractors don't meet your needs you can easily provide your own callback. For
example, if you are using the cookie-parser middleware and want to extract the JWT in a cookie
you could use the following function as the argument to the jwtFromRequest option:
var cookieExtractor = function(req) {
var token = null;
if (req && req.cookies) {
token = req.cookies['jwt'];
return token;
// ...
opts.jwtFromRequest = cookieExtractor;
### Authenticate requests
Use `passport.authenticate()` specifying `'JWT'` as the strategy.
app.post('/profile', passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),
function(req, res) {
### Include the JWT in requests
The method of including a JWT in a request depends entirely on the extractor
function you choose. For example, if you use the `fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken`
extractor, you would include an `Authorization` header in your request with the
scheme set to `bearer`. e.g.
Authorization: bearer JSON_WEB_TOKEN_STRING.....
## Migrating
Read the [Migration Guide](docs/migrating.md) for help upgrading to the latest
major version of passport-jwt.
## Tests
npm install
npm test
To generate test-coverage reports:
npm install -g istanbul
npm run-script testcov
istanbul report
## License
The [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Mike Nicholson