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Parse and format MongoDB URIs of the form:


Note that there are two minor differences between this format and the standard MongoDB connect string URI format:

  1. password is optional even when a username is supplied
  2. The slash before the database is not required when leaving out the database but specifying options

Neither of these differences should prevent this library from parsing any URI conforming to the standard format.



Takes a URI string and returns a URI object of the form:

  scheme: !String,
  username: String=,
  password: String=,
  hosts: [ { host: !String, port: Number= }, ... ],
  database: String=,
  options: Object=

scheme and hosts will always be present. Other fields will only be present in the result if they were present in the input.


var mongodbUri = require('mongodb-uri');
var uri = 'mongodb://user%3An%40me:p%40ssword@host:1234/d%40tabase?authSource=%40dmin';
var uriObject = mongodbUri.parse(uri);
console.log(JSON.stringify(uriObject, null, 2));
  "scheme": "mongodb",
  "hosts": [
      "host": "host",
      "port": 1234
  "username": "user:n@me",
  "password": "p@ssword",
  "options": {
    "authSource": "@dmin"
  "database": "d@tabase"


Takes a URI object and returns a URI string.


var mongodbUri = require('mongodb-uri');
var uri = mongodbUri.format(
            username: 'user:n@me',
            password: 'p@ssword',
            hosts: [
                    host: 'host',
                    port: 1234
            database: 'd@tabase',
            options: {
                authSource: '@dmin'


Takes either a URI object or string and returns a Mongoose connection string. Specifically, instead of listing all hosts and ports in a single URI, a Mongoose connection string contains a list of URIs each with a single host and port pair.

Useful in environments where a MongoDB URI environment variable is provided, but needs to be programmatically transformed into a string digestible by mongoose.connect()--for example, when deploying to a PaaS like Heroku using a MongoDB add-on like MongoLab.


var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongodbUri = require('mongodb-uri');

// A MongoDB URI, not compatible with Mongoose because it lists multiple hosts in the address
// Could be pulled from an environment variable or config file
var uri = 'mongodb://username:password@host1:1234,host2:5678/database';

// Reformat to a Mongoose connect string and connect()
var mongooseConnectString = mongodbUri.formatMongoose(uri);

// Test for connection success
var db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'Connection error: '));
db.once('open', function callback () {
    console.log('Successfully connected to MongoDB');