444 lines
19 KiB
444 lines
19 KiB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CronTime = void 0;
const luxon_1 = require("luxon");
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
const errors_1 = require("./errors");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
class CronTime {
constructor(source, timeZone, utcOffset) {
this.realDate = false;
this.second = {};
this.minute = {};
this.hour = {};
this.dayOfMonth = {};
this.month = {};
this.dayOfWeek = {};
if (timeZone != null && utcOffset != null) {
throw new errors_1.ExclusiveParametersError('timeZone', 'utcOffset');
if (timeZone) {
const dt = luxon_1.DateTime.fromObject({}, { zone: timeZone });
if (!dt.isValid) {
throw new errors_1.CronError('Invalid timezone.');
this.timeZone = timeZone;
if (utcOffset != null) {
this.utcOffset = utcOffset;
if (source instanceof Date || source instanceof luxon_1.DateTime) {
this.source =
source instanceof Date ? luxon_1.DateTime.fromJSDate(source) : source;
this.realDate = true;
else {
this.source = source;
_getWeekDay(date) {
return date.weekday === 7 ? 0 : date.weekday;
_verifyParse() {
const months = (0, utils_1.getRecordKeys)(this.month);
const daysOfMonth = (0, utils_1.getRecordKeys)(this.dayOfMonth);
let isOk = false;
let lastWrongMonth = null;
for (const m of months) {
const con = constants_1.MONTH_CONSTRAINTS[m];
for (const day of daysOfMonth) {
if (day <= con) {
isOk = true;
if (!isOk) {
lastWrongMonth = m;
console.warn(`Month '${m}' is limited to '${con}' days.`);
if (!isOk && lastWrongMonth !== null) {
const notOkCon = constants_1.MONTH_CONSTRAINTS[lastWrongMonth];
for (const notOkDay of daysOfMonth) {
if (notOkDay > notOkCon) {
delete this.dayOfMonth[notOkDay];
const fixedDay = (notOkDay % notOkCon);
this.dayOfMonth[fixedDay] = true;
sendAt(i) {
let date = this.realDate && this.source instanceof luxon_1.DateTime
? this.source
: luxon_1.DateTime.local();
if (this.timeZone) {
date = date.setZone(this.timeZone);
if (this.utcOffset !== undefined) {
const sign = this.utcOffset < 0 ? '-' : '+';
const offsetHours = Math.trunc(this.utcOffset / 60);
const offsetHoursStr = String(Math.abs(offsetHours)).padStart(2, '0');
const offsetMins = Math.abs(this.utcOffset - offsetHours * 60);
const offsetMinsStr = String(offsetMins).padStart(2, '0');
const utcZone = `UTC${sign}${offsetHoursStr}:${offsetMinsStr}`;
date = date.setZone(utcZone);
if (!date.isValid) {
throw new errors_1.CronError('ERROR: You specified an invalid UTC offset.');
if (this.realDate) {
if (luxon_1.DateTime.local() > date) {
throw new errors_1.CronError('WARNING: Date in past. Will never be fired.');
return date;
if (i === undefined || isNaN(i) || i < 0) {
return this.getNextDateFrom(date);
else {
const dates = [];
for (; i > 0; i--) {
date = this.getNextDateFrom(date);
return dates;
getTimeout() {
return Math.max(-1, this.sendAt().toMillis() - luxon_1.DateTime.local().toMillis());
toString() {
return this.toJSON().join(' ');
toJSON() {
return constants_1.TIME_UNITS.map(unit => {
return this._wcOrAll(unit);
getNextDateFrom(start, timeZone) {
var _a;
if (start instanceof Date) {
start = luxon_1.DateTime.fromJSDate(start);
let date = start;
const firstDate = start.toMillis();
if (timeZone) {
date = date.setZone(timeZone);
if (!this.realDate) {
if (date.millisecond > 0) {
date = date.set({ millisecond: 0, second: date.second + 1 });
if (!date.isValid) {
throw new errors_1.CronError('ERROR: You specified an invalid date.');
const maxMatch = luxon_1.DateTime.now().plus({ years: 8 });
while (true) {
const diff = date.toMillis() - start.toMillis();
if (date > maxMatch) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Something went wrong. No execution date was found in the next 8 years.
Please provide the following string if you would like to help debug:
Time Zone: ${(_a = timeZone === null || timeZone === void 0 ? void 0 : timeZone.toString()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '""'} - Cron String: ${this.source.toString()} - UTC offset: ${date.offset} - current Date: ${luxon_1.DateTime.local().toString()}`);
if (!(date.month in this.month) &&
Object.keys(this.month).length !== 12) {
date = date.plus({ months: 1 });
date = date.set({ day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(0, 0, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
if (!(date.day in this.dayOfMonth) &&
Object.keys(this.dayOfMonth).length !== 31 &&
!(this._getWeekDay(date) in this.dayOfWeek &&
Object.keys(this.dayOfWeek).length !== 7)) {
date = date.plus({ days: 1 });
date = date.set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(0, 0, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
if (!(this._getWeekDay(date) in this.dayOfWeek) &&
Object.keys(this.dayOfWeek).length !== 7 &&
!(date.day in this.dayOfMonth &&
Object.keys(this.dayOfMonth).length !== 31)) {
date = date.plus({ days: 1 });
date = date.set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(0, 0, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
if (!(date.hour in this.hour) && Object.keys(this.hour).length !== 24) {
const expectedHour = date.hour === 23 && diff > 86400000 ? 0 : date.hour + 1;
const expectedMinute = date.minute;
date = date.set({ hour: expectedHour });
date = date.set({ minute: 0, second: 0 });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(expectedHour, expectedMinute, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
if (!(date.minute in this.minute) &&
Object.keys(this.minute).length !== 60) {
const expectedMinute = date.minute === 59 && diff > 3600000 ? 0 : date.minute + 1;
const expectedHour = date.hour + (expectedMinute === 60 ? 1 : 0);
date = date.set({ minute: expectedMinute });
date = date.set({ second: 0 });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(expectedHour, expectedMinute, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
if (!(date.second in this.second) &&
Object.keys(this.second).length !== 60) {
const expectedSecond = date.second === 59 && diff > 60000 ? 0 : date.second + 1;
const expectedMinute = date.minute + (expectedSecond === 60 ? 1 : 0);
const expectedHour = date.hour + (expectedMinute === 60 ? 1 : 0);
date = date.set({ second: expectedSecond });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(expectedHour, expectedMinute, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
if (date.toMillis() === firstDate) {
const expectedSecond = date.second + 1;
const expectedMinute = date.minute + (expectedSecond === 60 ? 1 : 0);
const expectedHour = date.hour + (expectedMinute === 60 ? 1 : 0);
date = date.set({ second: expectedSecond });
if (this._forwardDSTJump(expectedHour, expectedMinute, date)) {
const [isDone, newDate] = this._findPreviousDSTJump(date);
date = newDate;
if (isDone)
return date;
_findPreviousDSTJump(date) {
var _a;
let expectedMinute, expectedHour, actualMinute, actualHour;
let maybeJumpingPoint = date;
const iterationLimit = 60 * 24;
let iteration = 0;
do {
if (++iteration > iterationLimit) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`ERROR: This DST checking related function assumes the input DateTime (${(_a = date.toISO()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : date.toMillis()}) is within 24 hours of a DST jump.`);
expectedMinute = maybeJumpingPoint.minute - 1;
expectedHour = maybeJumpingPoint.hour;
if (expectedMinute < 0) {
expectedMinute += 60;
expectedHour = (expectedHour + 24 - 1) % 24;
maybeJumpingPoint = maybeJumpingPoint.minus({ minute: 1 });
actualMinute = maybeJumpingPoint.minute;
actualHour = maybeJumpingPoint.hour;
} while (expectedMinute === actualMinute && expectedHour === actualHour);
const afterJumpingPoint = maybeJumpingPoint
.plus({ minute: 1 })
.set({ second: 0, millisecond: 0 });
const beforeJumpingPoint = afterJumpingPoint.minus({ second: 1 });
if (date.month + 1 in this.month &&
date.day in this.dayOfMonth &&
this._getWeekDay(date) in this.dayOfWeek) {
return [
this._checkTimeInSkippedRange(beforeJumpingPoint, afterJumpingPoint),
return [false, afterJumpingPoint];
_checkTimeInSkippedRange(beforeJumpingPoint, afterJumpingPoint) {
const startingMinute = (beforeJumpingPoint.minute + 1) % 60;
const startingHour = (beforeJumpingPoint.hour + (startingMinute === 0 ? 1 : 0)) % 24;
const hourRangeSize = afterJumpingPoint.hour - startingHour + 1;
const isHourJump = startingMinute === 0 && afterJumpingPoint.minute === 0;
if (hourRangeSize === 2 && isHourJump) {
return startingHour in this.hour;
else if (hourRangeSize === 1) {
return (startingHour in this.hour &&
this._checkTimeInSkippedRangeSingleHour(startingMinute, afterJumpingPoint.minute));
else {
return this._checkTimeInSkippedRangeMultiHour(startingHour, startingMinute, afterJumpingPoint.hour, afterJumpingPoint.minute);
_checkTimeInSkippedRangeSingleHour(startMinute, endMinute) {
for (let minute = startMinute; minute < endMinute; ++minute) {
if (minute in this.minute)
return true;
return endMinute in this.minute && 0 in this.second;
_checkTimeInSkippedRangeMultiHour(startHour, startMinute, endHour, endMinute) {
if (startHour >= endHour) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`ERROR: This DST checking related function assumes the forward jump starting hour (${startHour}) is less than the end hour (${endHour})`);
const firstHourMinuteRange = Array.from({ length: 60 - startMinute }, (_, k) => startMinute + k);
const lastHourMinuteRange = Array.from({ length: endMinute }, (_, k) => k);
const middleHourMinuteRange = Array.from({ length: 60 }, (_, k) => k);
const selectRange = (forHour) => {
if (forHour === startHour) {
return firstHourMinuteRange;
else if (forHour === endHour) {
return lastHourMinuteRange;
else {
return middleHourMinuteRange;
for (let hour = startHour; hour <= endHour; ++hour) {
if (!(hour in this.hour))
const usingRange = selectRange(hour);
for (const minute of usingRange) {
if (minute in this.minute)
return true;
return endHour in this.hour && endMinute in this.minute && 0 in this.second;
_forwardDSTJump(expectedHour, expectedMinute, actualDate) {
const actualHour = actualDate.hour;
const actualMinute = actualDate.minute;
const didHoursJumped = expectedHour % 24 < actualHour;
const didMinutesJumped = expectedMinute % 60 < actualMinute;
return didHoursJumped || didMinutesJumped;
_wcOrAll(unit) {
if (this._hasAll(unit)) {
return '*';
const all = [];
for (const time in this[unit]) {
return all.join(',');
_hasAll(unit) {
const constraints = constants_1.CONSTRAINTS[unit];
const low = constraints[0];
const high = unit === constants_1.TIME_UNITS_MAP.DAY_OF_WEEK ? constraints[1] - 1 : constraints[1];
for (let i = low, n = high; i < n; i++) {
if (!(i in this[unit])) {
return false;
return true;
_parse(source) {
var _a;
source = source.toLowerCase();
if (Object.keys(constants_1.PRESETS).includes(source)) {
source = constants_1.PRESETS[source];
source = source.replace(/[a-z]{1,3}/gi, (alias) => {
if (Object.keys(constants_1.ALIASES).includes(alias)) {
return constants_1.ALIASES[alias].toString();
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Unknown alias: ${alias}`);
const units = source.trim().split(/\s+/);
if (units.length < constants_1.TIME_UNITS_LEN - 1) {
throw new errors_1.CronError('Too few fields');
if (units.length > constants_1.TIME_UNITS_LEN) {
throw new errors_1.CronError('Too many fields');
const unitsLen = units.length;
for (const unit of constants_1.TIME_UNITS) {
const i = constants_1.TIME_UNITS.indexOf(unit);
const cur = (_a = units[i - (constants_1.TIME_UNITS_LEN - unitsLen)]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : constants_1.PARSE_DEFAULTS[unit];
this._parseField(cur, unit);
_parseField(value, unit) {
const typeObj = this[unit];
let pointer;
const constraints = constants_1.CONSTRAINTS[unit];
const low = constraints[0];
const high = constraints[1];
const fields = value.split(',');
fields.forEach(field => {
const wildcardIndex = field.indexOf('*');
if (wildcardIndex !== -1 && wildcardIndex !== 0) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Field (${field}) has an invalid wildcard expression`);
value = value.replace(constants_1.RE_WILDCARDS, `${low}-${high}`);
const allRanges = value.split(',');
for (const range of allRanges) {
const match = [...range.matchAll(constants_1.RE_RANGE)][0];
if ((match === null || match === void 0 ? void 0 : match[1]) !== undefined) {
const [, mLower, mUpper, mStep] = match;
let lower = parseInt(mLower, 10);
let upper = mUpper !== undefined ? parseInt(mUpper, 10) : undefined;
const wasStepDefined = mStep !== undefined;
const step = parseInt(mStep !== null && mStep !== void 0 ? mStep : '1', 10);
if (step === 0) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Field (${unit}) has a step of zero`);
if (upper !== undefined && lower > upper) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Field (${unit}) has an invalid range`);
const isOutOfRange = lower < low ||
(upper !== undefined && upper > high) ||
(upper === undefined && lower > high);
if (isOutOfRange) {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Field value (${value}) is out of range`);
lower = Math.min(Math.max(low, ~~Math.abs(lower)), high);
if (upper !== undefined) {
upper = Math.min(high, ~~Math.abs(upper));
else {
upper = wasStepDefined ? high : lower;
pointer = lower;
do {
typeObj[pointer] = true;
pointer += step;
} while (pointer <= upper);
if (unit === 'dayOfWeek') {
if (!typeObj[0] && !!typeObj[7])
typeObj[0] = typeObj[7];
delete typeObj[7];
else {
throw new errors_1.CronError(`Field (${unit}) cannot be parsed`);
exports.CronTime = CronTime;
//# sourceMappingURL=time.js.map