
165 lines
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/// <reference types="node" />
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { Db, GridFSBucketWriteStream, MongoClient, MongoClientOptions } from 'mongodb';
import { Request } from 'express';
import { StorageEngine } from 'multer';
import { Cache } from './cache';
import { GridFile, ConnectionResult, NodeCallback, UrlStorageOptions, DbStorageOptions } from './types';
* Multer GridFS Storage Engine class definition.
* @extends EventEmitter
* @param {object} configuration
* @param {string} [configuration.url] - The url pointing to a MongoDb database
* @param {object} [configuration.options] - Options to use when connection with an url.
* @param {object} [configuration.connectionOpts] - DEPRECATED: Use options instead.
* @param {boolean | string} [configuration.cache] - Store this connection in the internal cache.
* @param {Db | Promise} [configuration.db] - The MongoDb database instance to use or a promise that resolves with it
* @param {Function} [configuration.file] - A function to control the file naming in the database
* @fires GridFsStorage#connection
* @fires GridFsStorage#connectionFailed
* @fires GridFsStorage#file
* @fires GridFsStorage#streamError
* @fires GridFsStorage#dbError
* @version 0.0.3
export declare class GridFsStorage extends EventEmitter implements StorageEngine {
static cache: Cache;
db: Db;
client: MongoClient;
configuration: DbStorageOptions | UrlStorageOptions;
connected: boolean;
connecting: boolean;
caching: boolean;
error: any;
private _file;
private readonly _options;
private readonly cacheName;
private readonly cacheIndex;
constructor(configuration: UrlStorageOptions | DbStorageOptions);
* Generates 16 bytes long strings in hexadecimal format
static generateBytes(): Promise<{
filename: string;
* Merge the properties received in the file function with default values
* @param extra Extra properties like contentType
* @param fileSettings Properties received in the file function
* @return An object with the merged properties wrapped in a promise
private static _mergeProps;
* Handles generator function and promise results
* @param result - Can be a promise or a generator yielded value
* @param isGen - True if is a yielded value
private static _handleResult;
* Storage interface method to handle incoming files
* @param {Request} request - The request that trigger the upload
* @param {File} file - The uploaded file stream
* @param cb - A standard node callback to signal the end of the upload or an error
_handleFile(request: Request, file: any, cb: NodeCallback): void;
* Storage interface method to delete files in case an error turns the request invalid
* @param request - The request that trigger the upload
* @param {File} file - The uploaded file stream
* @param cb - A standard node callback to signal the end of the upload or an error
_removeFile(request: Request, file: any, cb: NodeCallback): void;
* Waits for the MongoDb connection associated to the storage to succeed or fail
ready(): Promise<ConnectionResult>;
* Pipes the file stream to the MongoDb database. The file requires a property named `file` which is a readable stream
* @param request - The http request where the file was uploaded
* @param {File} file - The file stream to pipe
* @return {Promise} Resolves with the uploaded file
fromFile(request: Request, file: any): Promise<GridFile>;
* Pipes the file stream to the MongoDb database. The request and file parameters are optional and used for file generation only
* @param readStream - The http request where the file was uploaded
* @param [request] - The http request where the file was uploaded
* @param {File} [file] - The file stream to pipe
* @return Resolves with the uploaded file
fromStream(readStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, request: Request, file: any): Promise<GridFile>;
protected _openConnection(url: string, options: MongoClientOptions): Promise<ConnectionResult>;
* Create a writable stream with backwards compatibility with GridStore
* @param {object} options - The stream options
protected createStream(options: any): GridFSBucketWriteStream;
private fromMulterStream;
* Determines if a new connection should be created, a explicit connection is provided or a cached instance is required.
private _connect;
* Returns a promise that will resolve to the db and client from the cache or a new connection depending on the provided configuration
private _resolveConnection;
* Handles creating a new connection from an url and storing it in the cache if necessary*}>}
private _createConnection;
* Updates the connection status based on the internal db or client object
private _updateConnectionStatus;
* Sets the database connection and emit the connection event
* @param db - Database instance or Mongoose instance to set
* @param [client] - Optional Mongo client for MongoDb v3
private _setDb;
* Removes the database reference and emit the connectionFailed event
* @param err - The error received while trying to connect
private _fail;
* Tests for generator functions or plain functions and delegates to the appropriate method
* @param request - The request that trigger the upload as received in _handleFile
* @param {File} file - The uploaded file stream as received in _handleFile
* @return A promise with the value generated by the file function
private _generate;
* Event emitted when the MongoDb connection is ready to use
* @event module:multer-gridfs-storage/gridfs~GridFSStorage#connection
* @param {{db: Db, client: MongoClient}} result - An object containing the mongodb database and client
* @version 0.0.3
* Event emitted when the MongoDb connection fails to open
* @event module:multer-gridfs-storage/gridfs~GridFSStorage#connectionFailed
* @param {Error} err - The error received when attempting to connect
* @version 2.0.0
* Event emitted when a new file is uploaded
* @event module:multer-gridfs-storage/gridfs~GridFSStorage#file
* @param {File} file - The uploaded file
* @version 0.0.3
* Event emitted when an error occurs streaming to MongoDb
* @event module:multer-gridfs-storage/gridfs~GridFSStorage#streamError
* @param {Error} error - The error thrown by the stream
* @param {Object} conf - The failed file configuration
* @version 1.3
* Event emitted when the internal database connection emits an error
* @event module:multer-gridfs-storage/gridfs~GridFSStorage#dbError
* @param {Error} error - The error thrown by the database connection
* @version 1.2.2
export declare const GridFsStorageCtr: typeof GridFsStorage;