'use strict';

const SchemaTypeOptions = require('./SchemaTypeOptions');

 * The options defined on a Date schematype.
 * #### Example:
 *     const schema = new Schema({ startedAt: Date });
 *     schema.path('startedAt').options; // SchemaDateOptions instance
 * @api public
 * @inherits SchemaTypeOptions
 * @constructor SchemaDateOptions

class SchemaDateOptions extends SchemaTypeOptions {}

const opts = require('./propertyOptions');

 * If set, Mongoose adds a validator that checks that this path is after the
 * given `min`.
 * @api public
 * @property min
 * @memberOf SchemaDateOptions
 * @type {Date}
 * @instance

Object.defineProperty(SchemaDateOptions.prototype, 'min', opts);

 * If set, Mongoose adds a validator that checks that this path is before the
 * given `max`.
 * @api public
 * @property max
 * @memberOf SchemaDateOptions
 * @type {Date}
 * @instance

Object.defineProperty(SchemaDateOptions.prototype, 'max', opts);

 * If set, Mongoose creates a TTL index on this path.
 * mongo TTL index `expireAfterSeconds` value will take 'expires' value expressed in seconds.
 * #### Example:
 *     const schema = new Schema({ "expireAt": { type: Date,  expires: 11 } });
 *     // if 'expireAt' is set, then document expires at expireAt + 11 seconds
 * @api public
 * @property expires
 * @memberOf SchemaDateOptions
 * @type {Date}
 * @instance

Object.defineProperty(SchemaDateOptions.prototype, 'expires', opts);

 * ignore

module.exports = SchemaDateOptions;