var chai = require('chai') , Strategy = require('../lib/strategy') , test_data = require('./testdata') , sinon = require('sinon') , verify = require('../lib/verify_jwt') , extract_jwt = require('../lib/extract_jwt'); describe('Strategy', function() { before(function() { Strategy.JwtVerifier = sinon.stub(); Strategy.JwtVerifier.callsArgWith(3, null, test_data.valid_jwt.payload); }); describe('Handling a request with a valid JWT and succesful verification', function() { var strategy, user, info; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({jwtFromRequest:extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), secretOrKey: 'secret'}, function(jwt_paylod, next) { return next(null, {user_id: 1234567890}, {foo:'bar'}); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .success(function(u, i) { user = u; info = i; done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer " + test_data.valid_jwt.token; }) .authenticate(); }); it('should provide a user', function() { expect(user); expect(user.user_id).to.equal(1234567890); }); it('should forward info', function() { expect(info); expect('bar'); }); }); describe('handling a request with valid jwt and failed verification', function() { var strategy, info; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({jwtFromRequest: extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), secretOrKey: 'secret'}, function(jwt_payload, next) { return next(null, false, {message: 'invalid user'}); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .fail(function(i) { info = i; done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer " + test_data.valid_jwt.token; }) .authenticate(); }); it('should fail with info', function() { expect(info); expect(info.message).to.equal('invalid user'); }); }); describe('handling a request with a valid jwt and an error during verification', function() { var strategy, err; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({jwtFromRequest: extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), secretOrKey: 'secrety'}, function(jwt_payload, next) { return next(new Error("ERROR"), false, {message: 'invalid user'}); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .error(function(e) { err = e; done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer " + test_data.valid_jwt.token; }) .authenticate(); }); it('should error', function() { expect(err); expect(err.message).to.equal('ERROR'); }); }); describe('handling a request with a valid jwt and an exception during verification', function() { var strategy, err; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({jwtFromRequest: extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), secretOrKey: 'secret'}, function(jwt_payload, next) { throw new Error("EXCEPTION"); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .error(function(e) { err = e; done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer " + test_data.valid_jwt.token; }) .authenticate(); }); it('should error', function() { expect(err); expect(err.message).to.equal('EXCEPTION'); }); }); describe('handling a request with a valid jwt and option passReqToCallback is true', function() { var strategy, expected_request, request_arg; before(function(done) { opts = { passReqToCallback: true }; opts.secretOrKey = 'secret'; opts.jwtFromRequest = extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(); strategy = new Strategy(opts, function(request, jwt_payload, next) { // Capture the value passed in as the request argument request_arg = request; return next(null, {user_id: 1234567890}, {foo:'bar'}); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .success(function(u, i) { done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer " + test_data.valid_jwt.token; expected_request = req; }) .authenticate(); }); it('will call verify with request as the first argument', function() { expect(expected_request).to.equal(request_arg); }); }); describe('handling a request when constructed with a secretOrKeyProvider function that succeeds', function() { var strategy, fakeSecretOrKeyProvider, expectedReqeust; before(function(done) { fakeSecretOrKeyProvider = sinon.spy(function(request, token, done) { done(null, 'secret from callback'); }); opts = { secretOrKeyProvider: fakeSecretOrKeyProvider, jwtFromRequest: function(request) { return 'an undecoded jwt string'; } } strategy = new Strategy(opts, function(jwtPayload, next) { return next(null, {user_id: 'dont care'}, {}); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .success(function(u, i) { done(); }) .req(function(req) { expectedReqeust = req; }) .authenticate(); }); it('should call the fake secret or key provider with the reqeust', function() { expect(fakeSecretOrKeyProvider.calledWith(expectedReqeust, sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any)); }); it('should call the secretOrKeyProvider with the undecoded jwt', function() { expect(fakeSecretOrKeyProvider.calledWith(sinon.match.any, 'an undecoded jwt string', sinon.match.any)); }); it('should call JwtVerifier with the value returned from secretOrKeyProvider', function() { expect(Strategy.JwtVerifier.calledWith(sinon.match.any, 'secret from callback', sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any)); }); }); describe('handling a request when constructed with a secretOrKeyProvider function that errors', function() { var errorMessage; before(function(done) { fakeSecretOrKeyProvider = sinon.spy(function(request, token, done) { done('Error occurred looking for the secret'); }); opts = { secretOrKeyProvider: fakeSecretOrKeyProvider, jwtFromRequest: function(request) { return 'an undecoded jwt string'; } } strategy = new Strategy(opts, function(jwtPayload, next) { return next(null, {user_id: 'dont care'}, {}); }); chai.passport.use(strategy) .fail(function(i) { errorMessage = i; done(); }) .authenticate(); }); it('should fail with the error message from the secretOrKeyProvider', function() { expect(errorMessage).to.equal('Error occurred looking for the secret'); }); }); });