{ "general": { "create": "Create", "join": "Join", "view": "View", "players": "Jugadores" }, "main-menu": { "title": "Dragonroll", "main-menu": "Main Menu", "campaigns": "Campaigns", "cosmic-compendium": "The Cosmic Compendium", "book-anvil": "Book Anvil", "edit-profile": "Edit Profile", "settings": "Settings", "log-out": "Log Out" }, "settings": { "title": "Dragonroll settings", "account": { "account-settings": "Account Settings", "language": "Language:" }, "site-administration": {} }, "campaigns": { "title": "Campaigns", "your-campaigns": "Your Campaigns", "other-campaigns": "Other Campaigns", "create": { "title": "Create Campaign", "enter": "Enter campaign name..." }, "join": { "title": "Join Campaign", "enter": "Enter campaign code...", "success": "Successfully joined the campaign!", "already": "You are already in that campaign!", "error": "Error joining this campaign, check if the code is correct" }, "preview": { "title": "Campaign preview", "copy-code": "Copy invite code", "copy-explain": "Click this button to copy the invite code of your campaign to the clipboard", "copy-success": "Copied invite code successfully!", "launch-game": "Launch game", "exit-game": "Exit game" } }, "systems": { "title": "Select a game system", "not-selected": "No game system selected" } }