var Strategy = require('../lib/strategy') , chai = require('chai') , sinon = require('sinon') , test_data= require('./testdata') , url = require('url') , extract_jwt = require('../lib/extract_jwt') describe('Strategy', function() { var mockVerifier = null; before(function() { // Replace the JWT Verfier with a stub to capture the value // extracted from the request mockVerifier = sinon.stub(); mockVerifier.callsArgWith(3, null, test_data.valid_jwt.payload); Strategy.JwtVerifier = mockVerifier; }); describe('handling request JWT present in request', function() { var strategy; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({ jwtFromRequest: function (r) { return test_data.valid_jwt.token; }, secretOrKey: 'secret' }, function(jwt_payload, next) { // Return values aren't important in this case return next(null, {}, {}); } ); mockVerifier.reset(); chai.passport.use(strategy) .success(function(u, i) { done(); }) .authenticate(); }); it("verifies the right jwt", function() { sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockVerifier); expect(mockVerifier.args[0][0]).to.equal(test_data.valid_jwt.token); }); }); describe('handling request with NO JWT', function() { var info; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({jwtFromRequest: function(r) {}, secretOrKey: 'secret'}, function(jwt_payload, next) { // Return values aren't important in this case return next(null, {}, {}); }); mockVerifier.reset(); chai.passport.use(strategy) .fail(function(i) { info = i done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.body = {} }) .authenticate(); }); it('should fail authentication', function() { expect(info); expect(info.message).to.equal("No auth token"); }); it('Should not try to verify anything', function() { sinon.assert.notCalled(mockVerifier); }); }); describe('handling request url set to url.Url instead of string', function() { var info; before(function(done) { strategy = new Strategy({jwtFromRequest: function(r) {}, secretOrKey: 'secret'}, function(jwt_payload, next) { // Return values aren't important in this case return next(null, {}, {}); }); mockVerifier.reset(); chai.passport.use(strategy) .fail(function(i) { info = i done(); }) .req(function(req) { req.body = {}; req.url = new url.Url('/'); }) .authenticate(); }); it('should fail authentication', function() { expect(info); expect(info.message).to.equal("No auth token"); }); }); });