import { fromSso as getSsoTokenProvider } from "@aws-sdk/token-providers"; import { CredentialsProviderError } from "@smithy/property-provider"; import { getSSOTokenFromFile } from "@smithy/shared-ini-file-loader"; const SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN = false; export const resolveSSOCredentials = async ({ ssoStartUrl, ssoSession, ssoAccountId, ssoRegion, ssoRoleName, ssoClient, clientConfig, profile, logger, }) => { let token; const refreshMessage = `To refresh this SSO session run aws sso login with the corresponding profile.`; if (ssoSession) { try { const _token = await getSsoTokenProvider({ profile })(); token = { accessToken: _token.token, expiresAt: new Date(_token.expiration).toISOString(), }; } catch (e) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(e.message, { tryNextLink: SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN, logger, }); } } else { try { token = await getSSOTokenFromFile(ssoStartUrl); } catch (e) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(`The SSO session associated with this profile is invalid. ${refreshMessage}`, { tryNextLink: SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN, logger, }); } } if (new Date(token.expiresAt).getTime() - <= 0) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(`The SSO session associated with this profile has expired. ${refreshMessage}`, { tryNextLink: SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN, logger, }); } const { accessToken } = token; const { SSOClient, GetRoleCredentialsCommand } = await import("./loadSso"); const sso = ssoClient || new SSOClient(Object.assign({}, clientConfig ?? {}, { region: clientConfig?.region ?? ssoRegion, })); let ssoResp; try { ssoResp = await sso.send(new GetRoleCredentialsCommand({ accountId: ssoAccountId, roleName: ssoRoleName, accessToken, })); } catch (e) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(e, { tryNextLink: SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN, logger, }); } const { roleCredentials: { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, expiration, credentialScope } = {} } = ssoResp; if (!accessKeyId || !secretAccessKey || !sessionToken || !expiration) { throw new CredentialsProviderError("SSO returns an invalid temporary credential.", { tryNextLink: SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN, logger, }); } return { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, expiration: new Date(expiration), credentialScope }; };