/* global describe,it */ var getSlug = require('../lib/speakingurl'); describe('getSlug symbols', function () { 'use strict'; it('should convert symbols', function (done) { getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz') .should.eql('foo-and-bar-or-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'en' }) .should.eql('foo-and-bar-or-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'de' }) .should.eql('foo-und-bar-oder-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'fr' }) .should.eql('foo-et-bar-ou-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'es' }) .should.eql('foo-y-bar-u-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'ru' }) .should.eql('foo-i-bar-ili-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'cz' }) .should.eql('foo-a-bar-nebo-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'sk' }) .should.eql('foo-a-bar-alebo-baz'); done(); }); it('should not convert symbols with uric flag true', function (done) { getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-or-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'en', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-or-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'de', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-oder-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'fr', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-ou-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'es', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-u-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'ru', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-ili-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'cz', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-nebo-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'sk', uric: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-alebo-baz'); done(); }); it('should not convert symbols with uricNoSlash flag true', function (done) { getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-or-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'en', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-or-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'de', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-oder-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'fr', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-ou-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'es', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-u-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'ru', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-ili-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'cz', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-nebo-baz'); getSlug('Foo & Bar | Baz', { lang: 'sk', uricNoSlash: true }) .should.eql('foo-&-bar-alebo-baz'); done(); }); it('should not convert symbols with mark flag true', function (done) { getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'en', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . & Baz', { lang: 'en', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-and-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'de', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'fr', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'es', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'ru', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'cz', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); getSlug('Foo (Bar) . Baz', { lang: 'sk', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(bar)-.-baz'); done(); }); it('should convert symbols with flags true', function (done) { getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'en', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(love)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'en', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(love)-;-baz=&-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'en', mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(love)-baz-and-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'de', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(liebe)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'fr', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(amour)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'es', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(amor)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'ru', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(lubov)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'cz', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(laska)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'sk', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true }) .should.eql('foo-(laska)-;-baz=bar'); getSlug(' Sch(* )ner (♥)Ti♥tel ♥läßt grüßen!? Bel♥♥ été !', { lang: 'en', uric: true, uricNoSlash: true, mark: true, maintainCase: true }) .should.eql( 'Sch(*-)ner-(love)Ti-love-tel-love-laesst-gruessen!?-Bel-love-love-ete-!' ); done(); }); it('should not convert symbols with flags true', function (done) { getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=Bar', { lang: 'en', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'en', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'en', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz= & Bar', { lang: 'de', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'fr', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'es', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'ru', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'cz', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug('Foo (♥) ; Baz=& Bar', { lang: 'sk', mark: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('foo-(-)-baz-bar'); getSlug(' Sch(* )ner (♥)Ti♥tel ♥läßt grüßen!? Bel♥♥ été !', { lang: 'en', mark: true, maintainCase: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql( 'Sch(*-)ner-(-)Ti-tel-laesst-gruessen!-Bel-ete-!' ); done(); }); it('should replace symbols (de)', function (done) { getSlug('Äpfel & Birnen', { lang: 'de' }) .should.eql('aepfel-und-birnen'); getSlug('ÄÖÜäöüß', { lang: 'de', maintainCase: true }) .should.eql('AeOeUeaeoeuess'); done(); }); it('should not replace symbols (de)', function (done) { getSlug('Äpfel & Birnen', { lang: 'de', symbols: false }) .should.eql('aepfel-birnen'); getSlug('ÄÖÜäöüß & Äpfel', { lang: 'de', maintainCase: true, symbols: false }) .should.eql('AeOeUeaeoeuess-Aepfel'); done(); }); it('should replace chars by cz language standards', function (done) { getSlug( 'AaÁáBbCcČčDdĎďEeÉéĚěFfGgHhChchIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnŇňOoÓóPpQqRrŘřSsŠšTtŤťUuÚúŮůVvWwXxYyÝýZzŽž', { lang: 'cz' }) .should.eql( 'aaaabbccccddddeeeeeeffgghhchchiiiijjkkllmmnnnnooooppqqrrrrssssttttuuuuuuvvwwxxyyyyzzzz' ); getSlug( 'AaÁáBbCcČčDdĎďEeÉéĚěFfGgHhChchIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnŇňOoÓóPpQqRrŘřSsŠšTtŤťUuÚúŮůVvWwXxYyÝýZzŽž', { lang: 'cz', maintainCase: true }) .should.eql( 'AaAaBbCcCcDdDdEeEeEeFfGgHhChchIiIiJjKkLlMmNnNnOoOoPpQqRrRrSsSsTtTtUuUuUuVvWwXxYyYyZzZz' ); done(); }); it('should replace chars by sk language standards', function (done) { getSlug( 'AaÁaÄäBbCcČčDdĎďDzdzDždžEeÉéFfGgHhChchIiÍíJjKkLlĹ弾MmNnŇňOoÓóÔôPpQqRrŔŕSsŠšTtŤťUuÚúVvWwXxYyÝýZzŽž', { lang: 'sk' }) .should.eql( 'aaaaaabbccccdddddzdzdzdzeeeeffgghhchchiiiijjkkllllllmmnnnnooooooppqqrrrrssssttttuuuuvvwwxxyyyyzzzz' ); getSlug( 'AaÁaÄäBbCcČčDdĎďDzdzDždžEeÉéFfGgHhChchIiÍíJjKkLlĹ弾MmNnŇňOoÓóÔôPpQqRrŔŕSsŠšTtŤťUuÚúVvWwXxYyÝýZzŽž', { lang: 'sk', maintainCase: true }) .should.eql( 'AaAaAaBbCcCcDdDdDzdzDzdzEeEeFfGgHhChchIiIiJjKkLlLlLlMmNnNnOoOoOoPpQqRrRrSsSsTtTtUuUuVvWwXxYyYyZzZz' ); done(); }); it('should ignore not available language param', function (done) { getSlug('Äpfel & Birnen', { lang: 'xx' }) .should.eql('aepfel-and-birnen'); done(); }); it('should convert currency symbols to lowercase', function (done) { getSlug('NEXUS4 only €199!', { maintainCase: false }) .should.eql('nexus4-only-eur199'); getSlug('NEXUS4 only €299.93', { maintainCase: false }) .should.eql('nexus4-only-eur299-93'); getSlug('NEXUS4 only 円399.73', { maintainCase: false }) .should.eql('nexus4-only-yen399-73'); done(); }); it('should convert currency symbols to uppercase', function (done) { getSlug('NEXUS4 only €199!', { maintainCase: true }) .should.eql('NEXUS4-only-EUR199'); getSlug('NEXUS4 only €299.93', { maintainCase: true }) .should.eql('NEXUS4-only-EUR299-93'); getSlug('NEXUS4 only 円399.73', { maintainCase: true }) .should.eql('NEXUS4-only-YEN399-73'); done(); }); });