{ "plugins": {}, "general": { "create": "Create", "join": "Join", "view": "View", "players": "Jugadores", "description": "Description", "details": "Details", "name": "Name", "email": "Email", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "password-confirm": "Confirm your password", "password-mismatch": "Password mismatch", "register": "Register", "quantity": "Quantity", "weight": "Weight", "price": "Price" }, "login": { "errors": { "params": "You must fill all parameters!", "wrong": "Wrong user or password", "internal": "Internal error" } }, "placeholders": { "name": "John Doe", "email": "john@doe.com", "username": "Enter your username...", "password": "Enter your password...", "password-confirm": "Enter again your password..." }, "register-admin": { "title": "Register Admin Account", "welcome-message": "


You have successfull setup Dragonroll!

Please create the admin account

Once the admin account has been created, you will be able to create user accounts that will be able to access Dragonroll

" }, "register-account": { "title": "Create new user account", "welcome-message": "


", "pending-account": "Pending account", "setup": { "title": "Setup Account", "invalid-link": "Invalid setup code link", "welcome-message": "

Here you can create a new user account.

Once you have registered a new account, you will recieve a link that you must give to the owner of the new account. From there, the owner will be able to setup his new account

", "confirm": "Setup Account" }, "invalid-link": "Invalid setup code link" }, "main-menu": { "title": "Dragonroll", "main-menu": "Main Menu", "campaigns": "Campaigns", "cosmic-compendium": "The Cosmic Compendium", "book-anvil": "Book Anvil", "edit-profile": "Edit Profile", "settings": "Settings", "log-out": "Log Out" }, "settings": { "title": "Dragonroll settings", "tabs": { "account-settings": "Account Settings", "site-administration": "Site Administration" }, "account": { "language": "Language:", "account-settings": "Account Settings" }, "site-administration": { "manage-accounts-button": "Manage site accounts", "manage-plugins-button": "Manage plugins", "manage-accounts": "Manage site accounts", "manage-plugins": "Manage plugins" }, "pending-account": { "title": "Pending account", "content": "This account is pending for confirmation", "copy-link": "Copy link", "copy-success": "Copied account setup link successfully!" } }, "campaigns": { "title": "Campaigns", "your-campaigns": "Your Campaigns", "other-campaigns": "Other Campaigns", "create": { "title": "Create Campaign", "enter": "Enter campaign name..." }, "join": { "title": "Join Campaign", "enter": "Enter campaign code...", "success": "Successfully joined the campaign!", "already": "You are already in that campaign!", "error": "Error joining this campaign, check if the code is correct" }, "preview": { "title": "Campaign preview", "copy-code": "Copy invite code", "copy-explain": "Click this button to copy the invite code of your campaign to the clipboard", "copy-success": "Copied invite code successfully!", "launch-game": "Launch game", "exit-game": "Exit game" } }, "systems": { "title": "Select a game system", "not-selected": "No game system selected" }, "database": { "title": "Database", "tabs": { "items": "Items", "spells": "Spells", "features": "Features" } } }