import * as dns from 'dns'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import ConnectionString from 'mongodb-connection-string-url'; import { URLSearchParams } from 'url'; import type { Document } from './bson'; import { MongoCredentials } from './cmap/auth/mongo_credentials'; import { AUTH_MECHS_AUTH_SRC_EXTERNAL, AuthMechanism } from './cmap/auth/providers'; import { makeClientMetadata } from './cmap/handshake/client_metadata'; import { Compressor, CompressorName } from './cmap/wire_protocol/compression'; import { Encrypter } from './encrypter'; import { MongoAPIError, MongoInvalidArgumentError, MongoMissingCredentialsError, MongoParseError } from './error'; import { Logger as LegacyLogger, LoggerLevel as LegacyLoggerLevel } from './logger'; import { MongoClient, MongoClientOptions, MongoOptions, PkFactory, ServerApi, ServerApiVersion } from './mongo_client'; import { MongoLogger, MongoLoggerEnvOptions, MongoLoggerMongoClientOptions } from './mongo_logger'; import { PromiseProvider } from './promise_provider'; import { ReadConcern, ReadConcernLevel } from './read_concern'; import { ReadPreference, ReadPreferenceMode } from './read_preference'; import type { TagSet } from './sdam/server_description'; import { DEFAULT_PK_FACTORY, emitWarning, emitWarningOnce, HostAddress, isRecord, matchesParentDomain, parseInteger, setDifference } from './utils'; import { W, WriteConcern } from './write_concern'; const VALID_TXT_RECORDS = ['authSource', 'replicaSet', 'loadBalanced']; const LB_SINGLE_HOST_ERROR = 'loadBalanced option only supported with a single host in the URI'; const LB_REPLICA_SET_ERROR = 'loadBalanced option not supported with a replicaSet option'; const LB_DIRECT_CONNECTION_ERROR = 'loadBalanced option not supported when directConnection is provided'; /** * Lookup a `mongodb+srv` connection string, combine the parts and reparse it as a normal * connection string. * * @param uri - The connection string to parse * @param options - Optional user provided connection string options */ export async function resolveSRVRecord(options: MongoOptions): Promise { if (typeof options.srvHost !== 'string') { throw new MongoAPIError('Option "srvHost" must not be empty'); } if (options.srvHost.split('.').length < 3) { // TODO(NODE-3484): Replace with MongoConnectionStringError throw new MongoAPIError('URI must include hostname, domain name, and tld'); } // Resolve the SRV record and use the result as the list of hosts to connect to. const lookupAddress = options.srvHost; const addresses = await dns.promises.resolveSrv( `_${options.srvServiceName}._tcp.${lookupAddress}` ); if (addresses.length === 0) { throw new MongoAPIError('No addresses found at host'); } for (const { name } of addresses) { if (!matchesParentDomain(name, lookupAddress)) { throw new MongoAPIError('Server record does not share hostname with parent URI'); } } const hostAddresses = => HostAddress.fromString(`${}:${r.port ?? 27017}`)); validateLoadBalancedOptions(hostAddresses, options, true); // Resolve TXT record and add options from there if they exist. let record; try { record = await dns.promises.resolveTxt(lookupAddress); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENODATA' && error.code !== 'ENOTFOUND') { throw error; } return hostAddresses; } if (record.length > 1) { throw new MongoParseError('Multiple text records not allowed'); } const txtRecordOptions = new URLSearchParams(record[0].join('')); const txtRecordOptionKeys = [...txtRecordOptions.keys()]; if (txtRecordOptionKeys.some(key => !VALID_TXT_RECORDS.includes(key))) { throw new MongoParseError(`Text record may only set any of: ${VALID_TXT_RECORDS.join(', ')}`); } if (VALID_TXT_RECORDS.some(option => txtRecordOptions.get(option) === '')) { throw new MongoParseError('Cannot have empty URI params in DNS TXT Record'); } const source = txtRecordOptions.get('authSource') ?? undefined; const replicaSet = txtRecordOptions.get('replicaSet') ?? undefined; const loadBalanced = txtRecordOptions.get('loadBalanced') ?? undefined; if ( !options.userSpecifiedAuthSource && source && options.credentials && !AUTH_MECHS_AUTH_SRC_EXTERNAL.has(options.credentials.mechanism) ) { options.credentials = MongoCredentials.merge(options.credentials, { source }); } if (!options.userSpecifiedReplicaSet && replicaSet) { options.replicaSet = replicaSet; } if (loadBalanced === 'true') { options.loadBalanced = true; } if (options.replicaSet && options.srvMaxHosts > 0) { throw new MongoParseError('Cannot combine replicaSet option with srvMaxHosts'); } validateLoadBalancedOptions(hostAddresses, options, true); return hostAddresses; } /** * Checks if TLS options are valid * * @param allOptions - All options provided by user or included in default options map * @throws MongoAPIError if TLS options are invalid */ function checkTLSOptions(allOptions: CaseInsensitiveMap): void { if (!allOptions) return; const check = (a: string, b: string) => { if (allOptions.has(a) && allOptions.has(b)) { throw new MongoAPIError(`The '${a}' option cannot be used with the '${b}' option`); } }; check('tlsInsecure', 'tlsAllowInvalidCertificates'); check('tlsInsecure', 'tlsAllowInvalidHostnames'); check('tlsInsecure', 'tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck'); check('tlsInsecure', 'tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck'); check('tlsAllowInvalidCertificates', 'tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck'); check('tlsAllowInvalidCertificates', 'tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck'); check('tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck', 'tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck'); } const TRUTHS = new Set(['true', 't', '1', 'y', 'yes']); const FALSEHOODS = new Set(['false', 'f', '0', 'n', 'no', '-1']); function getBoolean(name: string, value: unknown): boolean { if (typeof value === 'boolean') return value; const valueString = String(value).toLowerCase(); if (TRUTHS.has(valueString)) { if (valueString !== 'true') { emitWarningOnce( `deprecated value for ${name} : ${valueString} - please update to ${name} : true instead` ); } return true; } if (FALSEHOODS.has(valueString)) { if (valueString !== 'false') { emitWarningOnce( `deprecated value for ${name} : ${valueString} - please update to ${name} : false instead` ); } return false; } throw new MongoParseError(`Expected ${name} to be stringified boolean value, got: ${value}`); } function getIntFromOptions(name: string, value: unknown): number { const parsedInt = parseInteger(value); if (parsedInt != null) { return parsedInt; } throw new MongoParseError(`Expected ${name} to be stringified int value, got: ${value}`); } function getUIntFromOptions(name: string, value: unknown): number { const parsedValue = getIntFromOptions(name, value); if (parsedValue < 0) { throw new MongoParseError(`${name} can only be a positive int value, got: ${value}`); } return parsedValue; } function* entriesFromString(value: string): Generator<[string, string]> { const keyValuePairs = value.split(','); for (const keyValue of keyValuePairs) { const [key, value] = keyValue.split(':'); if (value == null) { throw new MongoParseError('Cannot have undefined values in key value pairs'); } yield [key, value]; } } class CaseInsensitiveMap extends Map { constructor(entries: Array<[string, any]> = []) { super([k, v]) => [k.toLowerCase(), v])); } override has(k: string) { return super.has(k.toLowerCase()); } override get(k: string) { return super.get(k.toLowerCase()); } override set(k: string, v: any) { return super.set(k.toLowerCase(), v); } override delete(k: string): boolean { return super.delete(k.toLowerCase()); } } export function parseOptions( uri: string, mongoClient: MongoClient | MongoClientOptions | undefined = undefined, options: MongoClientOptions = {} ): MongoOptions { if (mongoClient != null && !(mongoClient instanceof MongoClient)) { options = mongoClient; mongoClient = undefined; } const url = new ConnectionString(uri); const { hosts, isSRV } = url; const mongoOptions = Object.create(null); // Feature flags for (const flag of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(options)) { if (FEATURE_FLAGS.has(flag)) { mongoOptions[flag] = options[flag]; } } mongoOptions.hosts = isSRV ? [] :; const urlOptions = new CaseInsensitiveMap(); if (url.pathname !== '/' && url.pathname !== '') { const dbName = decodeURIComponent( url.pathname[0] === '/' ? url.pathname.slice(1) : url.pathname ); if (dbName) { urlOptions.set('dbName', [dbName]); } } if (url.username !== '') { const auth: Document = { username: decodeURIComponent(url.username) }; if (typeof url.password === 'string') { auth.password = decodeURIComponent(url.password); } urlOptions.set('auth', [auth]); } for (const key of url.searchParams.keys()) { const values = [...url.searchParams.getAll(key)]; if (values.includes('')) { throw new MongoAPIError('URI cannot contain options with no value'); } if (!urlOptions.has(key)) { urlOptions.set(key, values); } } const objectOptions = new CaseInsensitiveMap( Object.entries(options).filter(([, v]) => v != null) ); // Validate options that can only be provided by one of uri or object if (urlOptions.has('serverApi')) { throw new MongoParseError( 'URI cannot contain `serverApi`, it can only be passed to the client' ); } if (objectOptions.has('loadBalanced')) { throw new MongoParseError('loadBalanced is only a valid option in the URI'); } // All option collection const allOptions = new CaseInsensitiveMap(); const allKeys = new Set([ ...urlOptions.keys(), ...objectOptions.keys(), ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys() ]); for (const key of allKeys) { const values = []; const objectOptionValue = objectOptions.get(key); if (objectOptionValue != null) { values.push(objectOptionValue); } const urlValue = urlOptions.get(key); if (urlValue != null) { values.push(...urlValue); } const defaultOptionsValue = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.get(key); if (defaultOptionsValue != null) { values.push(defaultOptionsValue); } allOptions.set(key, values); } if (allOptions.has('tlsCertificateKeyFile') && !allOptions.has('tlsCertificateFile')) { allOptions.set('tlsCertificateFile', allOptions.get('tlsCertificateKeyFile')); } if (allOptions.has('tls') || allOptions.has('ssl')) { const tlsAndSslOpts = (allOptions.get('tls') || []) .concat(allOptions.get('ssl') || []) .map(getBoolean.bind(null, 'tls/ssl')); if (new Set(tlsAndSslOpts).size !== 1) { throw new MongoParseError('All values of tls/ssl must be the same.'); } } checkTLSOptions(allOptions); const unsupportedOptions = setDifference( allKeys, Array.from(Object.keys(OPTIONS)).map(s => s.toLowerCase()) ); if (unsupportedOptions.size !== 0) { const optionWord = unsupportedOptions.size > 1 ? 'options' : 'option'; const isOrAre = unsupportedOptions.size > 1 ? 'are' : 'is'; throw new MongoParseError( `${optionWord} ${Array.from(unsupportedOptions).join(', ')} ${isOrAre} not supported` ); } // Option parsing and setting for (const [key, descriptor] of Object.entries(OPTIONS)) { const values = allOptions.get(key); if (!values || values.length === 0) continue; setOption(mongoOptions, key, descriptor, values); } if (mongoOptions.credentials) { const isGssapi = mongoOptions.credentials.mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_GSSAPI; const isX509 = mongoOptions.credentials.mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_X509; const isAws = mongoOptions.credentials.mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_AWS; if ( (isGssapi || isX509) && allOptions.has('authSource') && mongoOptions.credentials.source !== '$external' ) { // If authSource was explicitly given and its incorrect, we error throw new MongoParseError( `${mongoOptions.credentials} can only have authSource set to '$external'` ); } if (!(isGssapi || isX509 || isAws) && mongoOptions.dbName && !allOptions.has('authSource')) { // inherit the dbName unless GSSAPI or X509, then silently ignore dbName // and there was no specific authSource given mongoOptions.credentials = MongoCredentials.merge(mongoOptions.credentials, { source: mongoOptions.dbName }); } if (isAws && mongoOptions.credentials.username && !mongoOptions.credentials.password) { throw new MongoMissingCredentialsError( `When using ${mongoOptions.credentials.mechanism} password must be set when a username is specified` ); } mongoOptions.credentials.validate(); // Check if the only auth related option provided was authSource, if so we can remove credentials if ( mongoOptions.credentials.password === '' && mongoOptions.credentials.username === '' && mongoOptions.credentials.mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_DEFAULT && Object.keys(mongoOptions.credentials.mechanismProperties).length === 0 ) { delete mongoOptions.credentials; } } if (!mongoOptions.dbName) { // dbName default is applied here because of the credential validation above mongoOptions.dbName = 'test'; } if (options.promiseLibrary) { PromiseProvider.set(options.promiseLibrary); } validateLoadBalancedOptions(hosts, mongoOptions, isSRV); if (mongoClient && mongoOptions.autoEncryption) { Encrypter.checkForMongoCrypt(); mongoOptions.encrypter = new Encrypter(mongoClient, uri, options); mongoOptions.autoEncrypter = mongoOptions.encrypter.autoEncrypter; } // Potential SRV Overrides and SRV connection string validations mongoOptions.userSpecifiedAuthSource = objectOptions.has('authSource') || urlOptions.has('authSource'); mongoOptions.userSpecifiedReplicaSet = objectOptions.has('replicaSet') || urlOptions.has('replicaSet'); if (isSRV) { // SRV Record is resolved upon connecting mongoOptions.srvHost = hosts[0]; if (mongoOptions.directConnection) { throw new MongoAPIError('SRV URI does not support directConnection'); } if (mongoOptions.srvMaxHosts > 0 && typeof mongoOptions.replicaSet === 'string') { throw new MongoParseError('Cannot use srvMaxHosts option with replicaSet'); } // SRV turns on TLS by default, but users can override and turn it off const noUserSpecifiedTLS = !objectOptions.has('tls') && !urlOptions.has('tls'); const noUserSpecifiedSSL = !objectOptions.has('ssl') && !urlOptions.has('ssl'); if (noUserSpecifiedTLS && noUserSpecifiedSSL) { mongoOptions.tls = true; } } else { const userSpecifiedSrvOptions = urlOptions.has('srvMaxHosts') || objectOptions.has('srvMaxHosts') || urlOptions.has('srvServiceName') || objectOptions.has('srvServiceName'); if (userSpecifiedSrvOptions) { throw new MongoParseError( 'Cannot use srvMaxHosts or srvServiceName with a non-srv connection string' ); } } if (mongoOptions.directConnection && mongoOptions.hosts.length !== 1) { throw new MongoParseError('directConnection option requires exactly one host'); } if ( !mongoOptions.proxyHost && (mongoOptions.proxyPort || mongoOptions.proxyUsername || mongoOptions.proxyPassword) ) { throw new MongoParseError('Must specify proxyHost if other proxy options are passed'); } if ( (mongoOptions.proxyUsername && !mongoOptions.proxyPassword) || (!mongoOptions.proxyUsername && mongoOptions.proxyPassword) ) { throw new MongoParseError('Can only specify both of proxy username/password or neither'); } const proxyOptions = ['proxyHost', 'proxyPort', 'proxyUsername', 'proxyPassword'].map( key => urlOptions.get(key) ?? [] ); if (proxyOptions.some(options => options.length > 1)) { throw new MongoParseError( 'Proxy options cannot be specified multiple times in the connection string' ); } const loggerFeatureFlag = Symbol.for('@@mdb.enableMongoLogger'); mongoOptions[loggerFeatureFlag] = mongoOptions[loggerFeatureFlag] ?? false; let loggerEnvOptions: MongoLoggerEnvOptions = {}; let loggerClientOptions: MongoLoggerMongoClientOptions = {}; if (mongoOptions[loggerFeatureFlag]) { loggerEnvOptions = { MONGODB_LOG_COMMAND: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_COMMAND, MONGODB_LOG_TOPOLOGY: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_TOPOLOGY, MONGODB_LOG_SERVER_SELECTION: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_SERVER_SELECTION, MONGODB_LOG_CONNECTION: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_CONNECTION, MONGODB_LOG_ALL: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_ALL, MONGODB_LOG_MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH, MONGODB_LOG_PATH: process.env.MONGODB_LOG_PATH }; loggerClientOptions = { mongodbLogPath: mongoOptions.mongodbLogPath }; } mongoOptions.mongoLoggerOptions = MongoLogger.resolveOptions( loggerEnvOptions, loggerClientOptions ); mongoOptions.metadata = makeClientMetadata(mongoOptions); return mongoOptions; } /** * #### Throws if LB mode is true: * - hosts contains more than one host * - there is a replicaSet name set * - directConnection is set * - if srvMaxHosts is used when an srv connection string is passed in * * @throws MongoParseError */ function validateLoadBalancedOptions( hosts: HostAddress[] | string[], mongoOptions: MongoOptions, isSrv: boolean ): void { if (mongoOptions.loadBalanced) { if (hosts.length > 1) { throw new MongoParseError(LB_SINGLE_HOST_ERROR); } if (mongoOptions.replicaSet) { throw new MongoParseError(LB_REPLICA_SET_ERROR); } if (mongoOptions.directConnection) { throw new MongoParseError(LB_DIRECT_CONNECTION_ERROR); } if (isSrv && mongoOptions.srvMaxHosts > 0) { throw new MongoParseError('Cannot limit srv hosts with loadBalanced enabled'); } } return; } function setOption( mongoOptions: any, key: string, descriptor: OptionDescriptor, values: unknown[] ) { const { target, type, transform, deprecated } = descriptor; const name = target ?? key; if (deprecated) { const deprecatedMsg = typeof deprecated === 'string' ? `: ${deprecated}` : ''; emitWarning(`${key} is a deprecated option${deprecatedMsg}`); } switch (type) { case 'boolean': mongoOptions[name] = getBoolean(name, values[0]); break; case 'int': mongoOptions[name] = getIntFromOptions(name, values[0]); break; case 'uint': mongoOptions[name] = getUIntFromOptions(name, values[0]); break; case 'string': if (values[0] == null) { break; } mongoOptions[name] = String(values[0]); break; case 'record': if (!isRecord(values[0])) { throw new MongoParseError(`${name} must be an object`); } mongoOptions[name] = values[0]; break; case 'any': mongoOptions[name] = values[0]; break; default: { if (!transform) { throw new MongoParseError('Descriptors missing a type must define a transform'); } const transformValue = transform({ name, options: mongoOptions, values }); mongoOptions[name] = transformValue; break; } } } interface OptionDescriptor { target?: string; type?: 'boolean' | 'int' | 'uint' | 'record' | 'string' | 'any'; default?: any; deprecated?: boolean | string; /** * @param name - the original option name * @param options - the options so far for resolution * @param values - the possible values in precedence order */ transform?: (args: { name: string; options: MongoOptions; values: unknown[] }) => unknown; } export const OPTIONS = { appName: { type: 'string' }, auth: { target: 'credentials', transform({ name, options, values: [value] }): MongoCredentials { if (!isRecord(value, ['username', 'password'] as const)) { throw new MongoParseError( `${name} must be an object with 'username' and 'password' properties` ); } return MongoCredentials.merge(options.credentials, { username: value.username, password: value.password }); } }, authMechanism: { target: 'credentials', transform({ options, values: [value] }): MongoCredentials { const mechanisms = Object.values(AuthMechanism); const [mechanism] = mechanisms.filter(m => m.match(RegExp(String.raw`\b${value}\b`, 'i'))); if (!mechanism) { throw new MongoParseError(`authMechanism one of ${mechanisms}, got ${value}`); } let source = options.credentials?.source; if ( mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_PLAIN || AUTH_MECHS_AUTH_SRC_EXTERNAL.has(mechanism) ) { // some mechanisms have '$external' as the Auth Source source = '$external'; } let password = options.credentials?.password; if (mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_X509 && password === '') { password = undefined; } return MongoCredentials.merge(options.credentials, { mechanism, source, password }); } }, authMechanismProperties: { target: 'credentials', transform({ options, values: [optionValue] }): MongoCredentials { if (typeof optionValue === 'string') { const mechanismProperties = Object.create(null); for (const [key, value] of entriesFromString(optionValue)) { try { mechanismProperties[key] = getBoolean(key, value); } catch { mechanismProperties[key] = value; } } return MongoCredentials.merge(options.credentials, { mechanismProperties }); } if (!isRecord(optionValue)) { throw new MongoParseError('AuthMechanismProperties must be an object'); } return MongoCredentials.merge(options.credentials, { mechanismProperties: optionValue }); } }, authSource: { target: 'credentials', transform({ options, values: [value] }): MongoCredentials { const source = String(value); return MongoCredentials.merge(options.credentials, { source }); } }, autoEncryption: { type: 'record' }, bsonRegExp: { type: 'boolean' }, serverApi: { target: 'serverApi', transform({ values: [version] }): ServerApi { const serverApiToValidate = typeof version === 'string' ? ({ version } as ServerApi) : (version as ServerApi); const versionToValidate = serverApiToValidate && serverApiToValidate.version; if (!versionToValidate) { throw new MongoParseError( `Invalid \`serverApi\` property; must specify a version from the following enum: ["${Object.values( ServerApiVersion ).join('", "')}"]` ); } if (!Object.values(ServerApiVersion).some(v => v === versionToValidate)) { throw new MongoParseError( `Invalid server API version=${versionToValidate}; must be in the following enum: ["${Object.values( ServerApiVersion ).join('", "')}"]` ); } return serverApiToValidate; } }, checkKeys: { type: 'boolean' }, compressors: { default: 'none', target: 'compressors', transform({ values }) { const compressionList = new Set(); for (const compVal of values as (CompressorName[] | string)[]) { const compValArray = typeof compVal === 'string' ? compVal.split(',') : compVal; if (!Array.isArray(compValArray)) { throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError( 'compressors must be an array or a comma-delimited list of strings' ); } for (const c of compValArray) { if (Object.keys(Compressor).includes(String(c))) { compressionList.add(String(c)); } else { throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError( `${c} is not a valid compression mechanism. Must be one of: ${Object.keys( Compressor )}.` ); } } } return [...compressionList]; } }, connectTimeoutMS: { default: 30000, type: 'uint' }, dbName: { type: 'string' }, directConnection: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, driverInfo: { default: {}, type: 'record' }, enableUtf8Validation: { type: 'boolean', default: true }, family: { transform({ name, values: [value] }): 4 | 6 { const transformValue = getIntFromOptions(name, value); if (transformValue === 4 || transformValue === 6) { return transformValue; } throw new MongoParseError(`Option 'family' must be 4 or 6 got ${transformValue}.`); } }, fieldsAsRaw: { type: 'record' }, forceServerObjectId: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, fsync: { deprecated: 'Please use journal instead', target: 'writeConcern', transform({ name, options, values: [value] }): WriteConcern { const wc = WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, fsync: getBoolean(name, value) } }); if (!wc) throw new MongoParseError(`Unable to make a writeConcern from fsync=${value}`); return wc; } } as OptionDescriptor, heartbeatFrequencyMS: { default: 10000, type: 'uint' }, ignoreUndefined: { type: 'boolean' }, j: { deprecated: 'Please use journal instead', target: 'writeConcern', transform({ name, options, values: [value] }): WriteConcern { const wc = WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, journal: getBoolean(name, value) } }); if (!wc) throw new MongoParseError(`Unable to make a writeConcern from journal=${value}`); return wc; } } as OptionDescriptor, journal: { target: 'writeConcern', transform({ name, options, values: [value] }): WriteConcern { const wc = WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, journal: getBoolean(name, value) } }); if (!wc) throw new MongoParseError(`Unable to make a writeConcern from journal=${value}`); return wc; } }, keepAlive: { default: true, type: 'boolean' }, keepAliveInitialDelay: { default: 120000, type: 'uint' }, loadBalanced: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, localThresholdMS: { default: 15, type: 'uint' }, logger: { default: new LegacyLogger('MongoClient'), transform({ values: [value] }) { if (value instanceof LegacyLogger) { return value; } emitWarning('Alternative loggers might not be supported'); // TODO: make Logger an interface that others can implement, make usage consistent in driver // DRIVERS-1204 return; } }, loggerLevel: { target: 'logger', transform({ values: [value] }) { return new LegacyLogger('MongoClient', { loggerLevel: value as LegacyLoggerLevel }); } }, maxConnecting: { default: 2, transform({ name, values: [value] }): number { const maxConnecting = getUIntFromOptions(name, value); if (maxConnecting === 0) { throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('maxConnecting must be > 0 if specified'); } return maxConnecting; } }, maxIdleTimeMS: { default: 0, type: 'uint' }, maxPoolSize: { default: 100, type: 'uint' }, maxStalenessSeconds: { target: 'readPreference', transform({ name, options, values: [value] }) { const maxStalenessSeconds = getUIntFromOptions(name, value); if (options.readPreference) { return ReadPreference.fromOptions({ readPreference: { ...options.readPreference, maxStalenessSeconds } }); } else { return new ReadPreference('secondary', undefined, { maxStalenessSeconds }); } } }, minInternalBufferSize: { type: 'uint' }, minPoolSize: { default: 0, type: 'uint' }, minHeartbeatFrequencyMS: { default: 500, type: 'uint' }, monitorCommands: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, name: { target: 'driverInfo', transform({ values: [value], options }) { return { ...options.driverInfo, name: String(value) }; } } as OptionDescriptor, noDelay: { default: true, type: 'boolean' }, pkFactory: { default: DEFAULT_PK_FACTORY, transform({ values: [value] }): PkFactory { if (isRecord(value, ['createPk'] as const) && typeof value.createPk === 'function') { return value as PkFactory; } throw new MongoParseError( `Option pkFactory must be an object with a createPk function, got ${value}` ); } }, promiseLibrary: { deprecated: true, type: 'any' }, promoteBuffers: { type: 'boolean' }, promoteLongs: { type: 'boolean' }, promoteValues: { type: 'boolean' }, proxyHost: { type: 'string' }, proxyPassword: { type: 'string' }, proxyPort: { type: 'uint' }, proxyUsername: { type: 'string' }, raw: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, readConcern: { transform({ values: [value], options }) { if (value instanceof ReadConcern || isRecord(value, ['level'] as const)) { return ReadConcern.fromOptions({ ...options.readConcern, ...value } as any); } throw new MongoParseError(`ReadConcern must be an object, got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } }, readConcernLevel: { target: 'readConcern', transform({ values: [level], options }) { return ReadConcern.fromOptions({ ...options.readConcern, level: level as ReadConcernLevel }); } }, readPreference: { default: ReadPreference.primary, transform({ values: [value], options }) { if (value instanceof ReadPreference) { return ReadPreference.fromOptions({ readPreference: { ...options.readPreference, ...value }, ...value } as any); } if (isRecord(value, ['mode'] as const)) { const rp = ReadPreference.fromOptions({ readPreference: { ...options.readPreference, ...value }, ...value } as any); if (rp) return rp; else throw new MongoParseError(`Cannot make read preference from ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } if (typeof value === 'string') { const rpOpts = { hedge: options.readPreference?.hedge, maxStalenessSeconds: options.readPreference?.maxStalenessSeconds }; return new ReadPreference( value as ReadPreferenceMode, options.readPreference?.tags, rpOpts ); } throw new MongoParseError(`Unknown ReadPreference value: ${value}`); } }, readPreferenceTags: { target: 'readPreference', transform({ values, options }: { values: Array[]>; options: MongoClientOptions; }) { const tags: Array> = Array.isArray(values[0]) ? values[0] : (values as Array); const readPreferenceTags = []; for (const tag of tags) { const readPreferenceTag: TagSet = Object.create(null); if (typeof tag === 'string') { for (const [k, v] of entriesFromString(tag)) { readPreferenceTag[k] = v; } } if (isRecord(tag)) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(tag)) { readPreferenceTag[k] = v; } } readPreferenceTags.push(readPreferenceTag); } return ReadPreference.fromOptions({ readPreference: options.readPreference, readPreferenceTags }); } }, replicaSet: { type: 'string' }, retryReads: { default: true, type: 'boolean' }, retryWrites: { default: true, type: 'boolean' }, serializeFunctions: { type: 'boolean' }, serverSelectionTimeoutMS: { default: 30000, type: 'uint' }, servername: { type: 'string' }, socketTimeoutMS: { default: 0, type: 'uint' }, srvMaxHosts: { type: 'uint', default: 0 }, srvServiceName: { type: 'string', default: 'mongodb' }, ssl: { target: 'tls', type: 'boolean' }, sslCA: { target: 'ca', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, sslCRL: { target: 'crl', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, sslCert: { target: 'cert', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, sslKey: { target: 'key', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, sslPass: { deprecated: true, target: 'passphrase', type: 'string' }, sslValidate: { target: 'rejectUnauthorized', type: 'boolean' }, tls: { type: 'boolean' }, tlsAllowInvalidCertificates: { target: 'rejectUnauthorized', transform({ name, values: [value] }) { // allowInvalidCertificates is the inverse of rejectUnauthorized return !getBoolean(name, value); } }, tlsAllowInvalidHostnames: { target: 'checkServerIdentity', transform({ name, values: [value] }) { // tlsAllowInvalidHostnames means setting the checkServerIdentity function to a noop return getBoolean(name, value) ? () => undefined : undefined; } }, tlsCAFile: { target: 'ca', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, tlsCertificateFile: { target: 'cert', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, tlsCertificateKeyFile: { target: 'key', transform({ values: [value] }) { return fs.readFileSync(String(value), { encoding: 'ascii' }); } }, tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword: { target: 'passphrase', type: 'any' }, tlsInsecure: { transform({ name, options, values: [value] }) { const tlsInsecure = getBoolean(name, value); if (tlsInsecure) { options.checkServerIdentity = () => undefined; options.rejectUnauthorized = false; } else { options.checkServerIdentity = options.tlsAllowInvalidHostnames ? () => undefined : undefined; options.rejectUnauthorized = options.tlsAllowInvalidCertificates ? false : true; } return tlsInsecure; } }, w: { target: 'writeConcern', transform({ values: [value], options }) { return WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, w: value as W } }); } }, waitQueueTimeoutMS: { default: 0, type: 'uint' }, writeConcern: { target: 'writeConcern', transform({ values: [value], options }) { if (isRecord(value) || value instanceof WriteConcern) { return WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, ...value } }); } else if (value === 'majority' || typeof value === 'number') { return WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, w: value } }); } throw new MongoParseError(`Invalid WriteConcern cannot parse: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } }, wtimeout: { deprecated: 'Please use wtimeoutMS instead', target: 'writeConcern', transform({ values: [value], options }) { const wc = WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, wtimeout: getUIntFromOptions('wtimeout', value) } }); if (wc) return wc; throw new MongoParseError(`Cannot make WriteConcern from wtimeout`); } } as OptionDescriptor, wtimeoutMS: { target: 'writeConcern', transform({ values: [value], options }) { const wc = WriteConcern.fromOptions({ writeConcern: { ...options.writeConcern, wtimeoutMS: getUIntFromOptions('wtimeoutMS', value) } }); if (wc) return wc; throw new MongoParseError(`Cannot make WriteConcern from wtimeout`); } }, zlibCompressionLevel: { default: 0, type: 'int' }, // Custom types for modifying core behavior connectionType: { type: 'any' }, srvPoller: { type: 'any' }, // Accepted NodeJS Options minDHSize: { type: 'any' }, pskCallback: { type: 'any' }, secureContext: { type: 'any' }, enableTrace: { type: 'any' }, requestCert: { type: 'any' }, rejectUnauthorized: { type: 'any' }, checkServerIdentity: { type: 'any' }, ALPNProtocols: { type: 'any' }, SNICallback: { type: 'any' }, session: { type: 'any' }, requestOCSP: { type: 'any' }, localAddress: { type: 'any' }, localPort: { type: 'any' }, hints: { type: 'any' }, lookup: { type: 'any' }, ca: { type: 'any' }, cert: { type: 'any' }, ciphers: { type: 'any' }, crl: { type: 'any' }, ecdhCurve: { type: 'any' }, key: { type: 'any' }, passphrase: { type: 'any' }, pfx: { type: 'any' }, secureProtocol: { type: 'any' }, index: { type: 'any' }, // Legacy Options, these are unused but left here to avoid errors with CSFLE lib useNewUrlParser: { type: 'boolean' } as OptionDescriptor, useUnifiedTopology: { type: 'boolean' } as OptionDescriptor } as Record; export const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = new CaseInsensitiveMap( Object.entries(OPTIONS) .filter(([, descriptor]) => descriptor.default != null) .map(([k, d]) => [k, d.default]) ); /** * Set of permitted feature flags * @internal */ export const FEATURE_FLAGS = new Set([ Symbol.for('@@mdb.skipPingOnConnect'), Symbol.for('@@mdb.enableMongoLogger') ]);