var extract_jwt = require('../lib/extract_jwt'), Request = require('./mock_request'); describe('Token extractor', function() { describe('fromHeader', function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.fromHeader('test_header'); it('should return null no when token is present', function() { var req = new Request(); var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return the value from the specified header', function() { var req = new Request(); req.headers['test_header'] = 'abcd123' var token = extractor(req) expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); }); describe('fromBodyField', function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.fromBodyField('test_field'); it('should return null when no body is present', function() { var req = new Request(); var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return null when the specified body field is not present', function() { var req = new Request(); req.body = {}; var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return the value from the specified body field', function() { var req = new Request(); req.body = {}; req.body.test_field = 'abcd123'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); it('should work properly with querystring', function() { var req = new Request(); const querystring = require('querystring'); req.body = querystring.parse('test_field=abcd123') var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123') }); }); describe('fromUrlQueryParameter', function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.fromUrlQueryParameter('test_param'); it('should return null when the specified paramter is not present', function() { var req = new Request(); var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return the value from the specified parameter', function() { var req = new Request(); req.url += '?test_param=abcd123'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); }); describe('fromAuthHeaderWithScheme', function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderWithScheme('TEST_SCHEME'); it('should return null when no auth header is present', function() { var req = new Request(); var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return null when the auth header is present but the auth scheme doesnt match', function() { var req = new Request() req.headers['authorization'] = "NOT_TEST_SCHEME abcd123"; var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return the value from the authorization header with specified auth scheme', function() { var req = new Request() req.headers['authorization'] = "TEST_SCHEME abcd123"; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); it('should perform a case-insensivite string comparison', function () { var req = new Request() req.headers['authorization'] = 'test_scheme abcd123'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); }); describe('fromAuthHeader', function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(); it('should return the value from the authorization header with default JWT auth scheme', function() { var req = new Request() req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer abcd123"; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); }); describe('fromExtractors', function() { it('should raise a type error when the extractor is constructed with a non-array argument', function() { this_should_throw = function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.fromExtractors({}) } expect(this_should_throw).to.throw(TypeError) }); var extractor = extract_jwt.fromExtractors([extract_jwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), extract_jwt.fromHeader('authorization')]); it('should return null when no extractor extracts token', function() { var req = new Request(); var token = extractor(req); expect(token); }); it('should return token found by least extractor', function() { var req = new Request() req.headers['authorization'] = "abcd123"; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); it('should return token found by first extractor', function() { var req = new Request() req.headers['authorization'] = "bearer abcd123"; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); }); describe('versionOneCompatibility', function () { describe('default behavior', function() { var extractor = extract_jwt.versionOneCompatibility({}); it('should return the token in the default "JWT" auth header', function () { var req = new Request(); req.headers['authorization'] = "JWT abcd123"; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); it('should return the token in the default "auth_token" body field', function () { var req = new Request(); req.body = {}; req.body['auth_token'] = 'xyzabcd'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('xyzabcd'); }); it('should return then token in the default "auth_token" query parameter', function () { var req = new Request(); req.url += '?auth_token=abcd123'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('abcd123'); }); }); describe('user supplied parameters', function() { it('should return the token in an auth header with a user specified auth scheme', function() { var opts = { authScheme: 'MY_CUSTOM_AUTH_SCHEME' }; var extractor = extract_jwt.versionOneCompatibility(opts); var req = new Request(); req.headers['authorization'] = 'MY_CUSTOM_AUTH_SCHEME deadbeef'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('deadbeef'); }); it('should return the token in a user supplied body field', function () { var opts = { tokenBodyField: 'CUSTOM_BODY_FIELD' }; var extractor = extract_jwt.versionOneCompatibility(opts); var req = new Request(); req.body = {}; req.body['CUSTOM_BODY_FIELD'] = 'badbeef'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('badbeef'); }); it('should return the token in a user specified query parameter', function () { var opts = { tokenQueryParameterName: 'CustomQueryParam' }; var extractor = extract_jwt.versionOneCompatibility(opts); var req = new Request(); req.url += '?CustomQueryParam=deadbeef'; var token = extractor(req); expect(token).to.equal('deadbeef'); }); }); }); });