"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.CronJob = void 0; const child_process_1 = require("child_process"); const errors_1 = require("./errors"); const time_1 = require("./time"); class CronJob { constructor(cronTime, onTick, onComplete, start, timeZone, context, runOnInit, utcOffset, unrefTimeout) { this.running = false; this.unrefTimeout = false; this.lastExecution = null; this.runOnce = false; this._callbacks = []; this.context = (context !== null && context !== void 0 ? context : this); if (timeZone != null && utcOffset != null) { throw new errors_1.ExclusiveParametersError('timeZone', 'utcOffset'); } if (timeZone != null) { this.cronTime = new time_1.CronTime(cronTime, timeZone, null); } else if (utcOffset != null) { this.cronTime = new time_1.CronTime(cronTime, null, utcOffset); } else { this.cronTime = new time_1.CronTime(cronTime, timeZone, utcOffset); } if (unrefTimeout != null) { this.unrefTimeout = unrefTimeout; } if (onComplete != null) { this.onComplete = this._fnWrap(onComplete); } if (this.cronTime.realDate) { this.runOnce = true; } this.addCallback(this._fnWrap(onTick)); if (runOnInit) { this.lastExecution = new Date(); this.fireOnTick(); } if (start) this.start(); } static from(params) { if (params.timeZone != null && params.utcOffset != null) { throw new errors_1.ExclusiveParametersError('timeZone', 'utcOffset'); } if (params.timeZone != null) { return new CronJob(params.cronTime, params.onTick, params.onComplete, params.start, params.timeZone, params.context, params.runOnInit, params.utcOffset, params.unrefTimeout); } else if (params.utcOffset != null) { return new CronJob(params.cronTime, params.onTick, params.onComplete, params.start, null, params.context, params.runOnInit, params.utcOffset, params.unrefTimeout); } else { return new CronJob(params.cronTime, params.onTick, params.onComplete, params.start, params.timeZone, params.context, params.runOnInit, params.utcOffset, params.unrefTimeout); } } _fnWrap(cmd) { var _a, _b; switch (typeof cmd) { case 'function': { return cmd; } case 'string': { const [command, ...args] = cmd.split(' '); return child_process_1.spawn.bind(undefined, command !== null && command !== void 0 ? command : cmd, args, {}); } case 'object': { return child_process_1.spawn.bind(undefined, cmd.command, (_a = cmd.args) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], (_b = cmd.options) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {}); } } } addCallback(callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this._callbacks.push(callback); } } setTime(time) { if (!(time instanceof time_1.CronTime)) { throw new errors_1.CronError('time must be an instance of CronTime.'); } const wasRunning = this.running; this.stop(); this.cronTime = time; if (time.realDate) this.runOnce = true; if (wasRunning) this.start(); } nextDate() { return this.cronTime.sendAt(); } fireOnTick() { for (const callback of this._callbacks) { void callback.call(this.context, this.onComplete); } } nextDates(i) { return this.cronTime.sendAt(i !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : 0); } start() { if (this.running) { return; } const MAXDELAY = 2147483647; let timeout = this.cronTime.getTimeout(); let remaining = 0; let startTime; const setCronTimeout = (t) => { startTime = Date.now(); this._timeout = setTimeout(callbackWrapper, t); if (this.unrefTimeout && typeof this._timeout.unref === 'function') { this._timeout.unref(); } }; const callbackWrapper = () => { const diff = startTime + timeout - Date.now(); if (diff > 0) { let newTimeout = this.cronTime.getTimeout(); if (newTimeout > diff) { newTimeout = diff; } remaining += newTimeout; } if (remaining) { if (remaining > MAXDELAY) { remaining -= MAXDELAY; timeout = MAXDELAY; } else { timeout = remaining; remaining = 0; } setCronTimeout(timeout); } else { this.lastExecution = new Date(); this.running = false; if (!this.runOnce) { this.start(); } this.fireOnTick(); } }; if (timeout >= 0) { this.running = true; if (timeout > MAXDELAY) { remaining = timeout - MAXDELAY; timeout = MAXDELAY; } setCronTimeout(timeout); } else { this.stop(); } } lastDate() { return this.lastExecution; } stop() { if (this._timeout) clearTimeout(this._timeout); this.running = false; if (typeof this.onComplete === 'function') { void this.onComplete.call(this.context); } } } exports.CronJob = CronJob; //# sourceMappingURL=job.js.map