diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0486d6a4..73da7ee9 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ backend/plugins/
# local env files
diff --git a/client/src/locales/ca.json b/client/src/locales/ca.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 867fc7e0..00000000
--- a/client/src/locales/ca.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- "plugins": {},
- "general": {
- "create": "Create",
- "join": "Join",
- "view": "View",
- "players": "Jugadores",
- "description": "Description",
- "details": "Details",
- "name": "Name",
- "email": "Email",
- "username": "Username",
- "password": "Password",
- "password-confirm": "Confirm your password",
- "register": "Register",
- "quantity": "Quantity",
- "weight": "Weight",
- "price": "Price"
- },
- "placeholders": {
- "name": "John Doe",
- "email": "john@doe.com",
- "username": "Enter your username...",
- "password": "Enter your password...",
- "password-confirm": "Enter again your password..."
- },
- "register-admin": {
- "title": "Register Admin Account",
- "welcome-message": "
You have successfull setup Dragonroll!Please create the admin account
Once the admin account has been created, you will be able to create user accounts that will be able to access Dragonroll
- },
- "main-menu": {
- "title": "Dragonroll",
- "main-menu": "Main Menu",
- "campaigns": "Campaigns",
- "cosmic-compendium": "The Cosmic Compendium",
- "book-anvil": "Book Anvil",
- "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "log-out": "Log Out"
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Dragonroll settings",
- "tabs": {
- "account-settings": "Account Settings",
- "site-administration": "Site Administration"
- },
- "account": {
- "account-settings": "Account Settings",
- "language": "Language:"
- },
- "site-administration": {}
- },
- "campaigns": {
- "title": "Campaigns",
- "your-campaigns": "Your Campaigns",
- "other-campaigns": "Other Campaigns",
- "create": {
- "title": "Create Campaign",
- "enter": "Enter campaign name..."
- },
- "join": {
- "title": "Join Campaign",
- "enter": "Enter campaign code...",
- "success": "Successfully joined the campaign!",
- "already": "You are already in that campaign!",
- "error": "Error joining this campaign, check if the code is correct"
- },
- "preview": {
- "title": "Campaign preview",
- "copy-code": "Copy invite code",
- "copy-explain": "Click this button to copy the invite code of your campaign to the clipboard",
- "copy-success": "Copied invite code successfully!",
- "launch-game": "Launch game",
- "exit-game": "Exit game"
- }
- },
- "systems": {
- "title": "Select a game system",
- "not-selected": "No game system selected"
- },
- "database": {
- "title": "Database",
- "tabs": {
- "items": "Items",
- "spells": "Spells",
- "features": "Features"
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/locales/en-US.json b/client/src/locales/en-US.json
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2f8857..00000000
--- a/client/src/locales/en-US.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- "plugins": {
- "dnd-5e": {
- "test": "Test"
- }
- },
- "general": {
- "create": "Create",
- "join": "Join",
- "view": "View",
- "players": "Players",
- "description": "Description",
- "details": "Details",
- "name": "Name",
- "email": "Email",
- "username": "Username",
- "password": "Password",
- "password-confirm": "Confirm your password",
- "register": "Register",
- "quantity": "Quantity",
- "weight": "Weight",
- "price": "Price"
- },
- "placeholders": {
- "name": "John Doe",
- "email": "john@doe.com",
- "username": "Enter your username...",
- "password": "Enter your password...",
- "password-confirm": "Enter again your password..."
- },
- "register-admin": {
- "title": "Register Admin Account",
- "welcome-message": "Welcome!
You have successfull setup Dragonroll!Please create the admin account
Once the admin account has been created, you will be able to create user accounts that will be able to access Dragonroll
- },
- "main-menu": {
- "title": "Dragonroll",
- "main-menu": "Main Menu",
- "campaigns": "Campaigns",
- "cosmic-compendium": "The Cosmic Compendium",
- "book-anvil": "Book Anvil",
- "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "log-out": "Log Out"
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Dragonroll settings",
- "tabs": {
- "account-settings": "Account Settings",
- "site-administration": "Site Administration"
- },
- "account": {
- "account-settings": "Account Settings",
- "language": "Language:"
- },
- "site-administration": {}
- },
- "campaigns": {
- "title": "Campaigns",
- "your-campaigns": "Your Campaigns",
- "other-campaigns": "Other Campaigns",
- "create": {
- "title": "Create Campaign",
- "enter": "Enter campaign name..."
- },
- "join": {
- "title": "Join Campaign",
- "enter": "Enter campaign code...",
- "success": "Successfully joined the campaign!",
- "already": "You are already in that campaign!",
- "error": "Error joining this campaign, check if the code is correct"
- },
- "preview": {
- "title": "Campaign preview",
- "copy-code": "Copy invite code",
- "copy-explain": "Click this button to copy the invite code of your campaign to the clipboard",
- "copy-success": "Copied invite code successfully!",
- "launch-game": "Launch game",
- "exit-game": "Exit game"
- }
- },
- "systems": {
- "title": "Select a game system",
- "not-selected": "No game system selected"
- },
- "database": {
- "title": "Database",
- "tabs": {
- "items": "Items",
- "spells": "Spells",
- "features": "Features"
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/locales/es-ES.json b/client/src/locales/es-ES.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e598a02e..00000000
--- a/client/src/locales/es-ES.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- "plugins": {},
- "general": {
- "create": "Crear",
- "join": "Entrar",
- "view": "Abrir",
- "players": "Jugadores",
- "description": "Descripción",
- "details": "Detalles",
- "name": "Nombre",
- "email": "Correo",
- "username": "Nombre de usuario",
- "password": "Contraseña",
- "password-confirm": "Confirma tu contraseña",
- "register": "Registrar-se",
- "quantity": "Quantity",
- "weight": "Weight",
- "price": "Price"
- },
- "placeholders": {
- "name": "John Doe",
- "email": "john@doe.com",
- "username": "Introduce tu nombre de usuario...",
- "password": "Introduce tu contraseña...",
- "password-confirm": "Vuelve a introducir tu contraseña..."
- },
- "register-admin": {
- "title": "Registrar cuenta de administrador",
- "welcome-message": "Bienvenido!
Has configurado correctamente Dragonroll!Porfavor, crea la cuenta de administrador
Una vez creada, esta cuenta te permitirá configurar el servidor y crear cuentas que puedan acceder a este
- },
- "main-menu": {
- "title": "Dragonroll",
- "main-menu": "Menú Principal",
- "campaigns": "Campañas",
- "cosmic-compendium": "La librería cósmica",
- "book-anvil": "Forjador de libros",
- "edit-profile": "Editar perfil",
- "settings": "Ajustes",
- "log-out": "Cerrar sesión"
- },
- "settings": {
- "title": "Ajustes de Dragonroll",
- "tabs": {
- "account-settings": "Ajustes de cuenta",
- "site-administration": "Administración"
- },
- "account": {
- "account-settings": "Ajustes de la cuenta",
- "language": "Idioma:"
- },
- "site-administration": {}
- },
- "campaigns": {
- "title": "Campañas",
- "your-campaigns": "Tus campañas",
- "other-campaigns": "Otras campañas",
- "create": {
- "title": "Crear campaña",
- "enter": "Introduce el nombre de la campaña..."
- },
- "join": {
- "title": "Entrar en la campaña",
- "enter": "Introduce el código de la campaña...",
- "success": "Has entrado en la campaña correctamente!",
- "already": "Ya estás dentro de esta campaña!",
- "error": "Ha habido un error al entrar en esta campaña, acaso el código existe?"
- },
- "preview": {
- "title": "Previsualización de la campaña",
- "copy-code": "Copiar codigo",
- "copy-explain": "Haz clic en este botón para copiar el código de invitación a tu cortapapeles",
- "copy-success": "Se ha copiado el código correctamente!",
- "launch-game": "Abrir juego",
- "exit-game": "Cerrar juego"
- }
- },
- "systems": {
- "title": "Selecciona un sistema de juego",
- "not-selected": "Ningún sistema de juego seleccionado"
- },
- "database": {
- "title": "Base de datos",
- "tabs": {
- "items": "Items",
- "spells": "Hechizos",
- "features": "Características"
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file