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2024-09-21 17:08:36 +00:00
# 5.0.2
* Fixed: Solved bug when not using the client parameter and the topology is not present in the db object #377
* Update: Updated dependencies
# 5.0.1
* Fixed: Updated ObjectID reference to ObjectId to allow compatibility with mongodb4.
# 5.0.0
* Feature: Module rewritten in Typescript. Separate definition files are no longer required.
* Fixed: If using the `fromStream` method the readable source emits an error the promise is rejected. #205
* Fixed: Attached events to `MongoClient` or `Db` object depending on the installed mongo version.
* Fixed: Replaced mongoose reference with mongoose like object to avoid version conflicts.
* Update: Updated dependencies.
# 4.2.0
* Feature: Added the `fromFile` and `fromStream` public methods
* Update: Documented the `generateBytes` method
* Update: Updated dependencies
# 4.1.0
* Breaking change: Removed Node 8 support
* Update: Updated dependencies
# 4.0.3
* Update: Updated dependencies
# 4.0.2
* Update: Updated dependencies
# 4.0.1
* Fix: Moved multer from dependencies to peerDependencies
* Fix: Removed xo from dependencies
* Update: Updated `pump` dependency
# 4.0.0
* Feature: Added the `client` option to the constructor
* Feature: Supported `client` as a promise
* Update: Removed the `connectionOpts` setting
* Breaking change: Removed Node 6 support
* Breaking change: The `ready` method and the `connection` event now produces an object with the `db` and the `client`
# 3.3.0
* Update: Removed compatibility with Node 4
# 3.2.3
* Fix: Solved bug in mongodb@2 and mongoose compatibility
# 3.2.2
* Fix: Removed multer extra dependency from `package.json`
# 3.2.1
* Feature: Added `aliases` and `disableMD5` properties to file naming configuration
# 3.2.0
* Feature: Support for Mongoose connections
* Feature: Ready method to wait for the MongoDb connection
* Breaking change: Deprecated "connectionOpts" in favor of "options"
# 3.1.0
* Feature: Added caching feature
* Fix: Updated dependencies
* Fix: Moved multer to peer dependencies
* Breaking change: Dropped support for node 0.x
* Breaking change: Removed es6-promise dependency
* Breaking change: Added lodash.isplainobject dependency
# 3.0.1
* Fix: Changed mongodb dependency version from 3 to >=2
# 3.0.0
* Feature: Added support for mongodb version 3 in url connection string
* Feature: Added `client` property to storage object
# 2.1.0
* Feature: Allowed strings, numbers and null values as file configuration
* Fix: Added examples to the readme
# 2.0.0
* Breaking change: Removed gridfs-stream dependency
* Breaking change: Removed all old file configuration options
* Breaking change: Removed logging functions
* Breaking change: The grid property in the file object was removed and its properties merged directly with the file object
* Feature: Simplified api by adding a new option `file` to control file configuration
* Feature: Added delayed file storage after successful connection instead of failing with an error
# 1.3.0
* Fix: Renamed 'error' event to 'streamError' to prevent a bug where the the user does not set any listener for that event and emitting it causes the program to crash.
# 1.2.2
* Feature: Added 'dbError' event
* Fix: Call log function in 'error' event
# 1.2.1
* Feature: Added 'error' event
# 1.2.0
* Feature: Added generator function support
* Feature: Allow to use promises in configuration options instead of callbacks
# 1.1.1
* Fix: Fixed UnhandledPromiseRejection error
# 1.1.0
* Feature: Added support for connection promises
* Feature: Added file size information
* Feature: Allow the api to be called with the `new` operator
* Feature: Added Typescript support
# 1.0.3
* Fix: Fixed code coverage
# 1.0.2
* Feature: Changed log option to accept a function
# 1.0.1
* Fix: Added validation for options
# 1.0.0
* Initial stable release
# 0.0.5
* Feature: Added support for changing the default collection with the root option
# 0.0.4
* Feature: Added support for changing the chunk size
# 0.0.3
* First release