@charset "UTF-8";
/* @settings
name: ITS Theme Settings
id: ITS
id: info-text-SlRvb-ITS-Theme
type: info-text
title: "ITS Theme by SlRvb"
description: "ℹ [Guide / Docs](https://publish.obsidian.md/slrvb-docs/ITS+Theme/ITS+Theme) | ⚙ [Github](https://github.com/SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme) | ☕ [Support](https://ko-fi.com/slrvb)"
markdown: true
id: its-theme
title: ITS Theme Class
type: class-toggle
default: true
# title: Class Test toggle
# id: minimalist-workspace
# type: class-toggle
title: Workspace
id: ITS-Workspace
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
title: Sizes
id: ITS-Sizes
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Readable
value: sizing-readable
label: Minimized
value: sizing-mini
label: Large
value: sizing-large
title: Roundness
id: radius-s
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0
format: px
min: 0
max: 12
step: 1
title: Resize Scrollbars
id: scrollbar-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 12
format: px
min: 4
max: 15
step: 1
title: Sizing
id: ITS-Sizing
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Note Width
id: file-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 700
format: px
min: 400
max: 1800
step: 100
# title: Titlebar Sizing
# id: titlebar-height
# type: variable-number-slider
# default: 40
# format: px
# min: 20
# max: 50
# step: 10
title: Tab Outline Height
id: tab-outline-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 2
format: px
min: 0
max: 4
step: 1
title: Status Bar Padding
id: status-bar-padding
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 10
step: 1
title: Status Bar Spacing
id: status-bar-gap
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 10
step: 1
title: Sidebar
id: ITS-Sizing-Sidebar
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Sidebar Text Sizing
id: nav-item-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 14
format: px
min: 10
max: 20
step: 1
title: Sidebar Tab Icon Sizing
id: sidebar-tab-icon-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 18
format: px
min: 10
max: 20
step: 1
title: Sidebar Ribbon Width Sizing
id: ribbon-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 40
format: px
min: 30
max: 50
step: 5
title: Sidebar Ribbon Icon Sizing
id: ribbon-icon-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 18
format: px
min: 10
max: 20
step: 1
title: Sidebar Ribbon Icon Spacing
id: ribbon-icon-gap
type: variable-number-slider
default: 15
format: px
min: 1
max: 20
step: 1
title: Notes
id: ITS-Note-Sizing
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Note Title Size
id: file-header-font-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 15
format: px
min: 10
max: 20
step: 1
title: Note Breadcrumb Title Size
id: file-header-breadcrumb-font-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 13.5
format: px
min: 10
max: 20
step: 1
title: Inline Title Size
id: inline-title-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 34
format: px
min: 10
max: 50
step: 1
title: Popover
id: ITS-Sizing-Popover
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Popover Width
id: popover-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 450
format: px
min: 300
max: 1000
step: 100
title: Popover Height
id: popover-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 400
format: px
min: 300
max: 1000
step: 100
title: Settings
id: ITS-Settings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Settings Menu Width
id: modal-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 90
format: vw
min: 40
max: 100
step: 5
title: Settings Menu Height
id: modal-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 85
format: vh
min: 40
max: 100
step: 5
title: Titlebar
id: ITS-Titlebar
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Titlebar Colors
id: titlebar-colors
type: class-toggle
title: Titlebar Bubbles
id: titlebar-bubbles
type: class-toggle
title: Tabs
id: ITS-tabs
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Tab Widths
id: tab-widths
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Auto
value: tab-auto
label: Wide
value: tab-wide
title: Sidebar
id: ITS-Sidebar
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Sidebar Tabs Styling
id: ITS-Sidebar-Styling
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Wide
value: sidebar-tabs-wide
label: Underline
value: sidebar-tabs-underline
label: Overline
value: sidebar-tabs-overline
label: Tabular
value: sidebar-tabs-tabular
title: Bottom Navbar Buttons
id: navbar-bottom
type: class-toggle
title: Sidebar Ribbon
id: ITS-Sidebar-Ribbon
type: heading
level: 3
title: Floating Sidebar Ribbon
id: ITS-Sidebar-Ribbon-Float
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Plain
value: sidebar-ribbon-float
label: Minimized
value: sidebar-ribbon-mini-float
title: Floating Sidebar Ribbon
id: ITS-Sidebar-Ribbon-Float-Position
type: class-select
default: sidebar-float-bottom
label: Bottom
value: sidebar-float-bottom
label: Center
value: sidebar-float-center
label: Top
value: sidebar-float-top
title: File Explorer
id: ITS-File-Explorer
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: File Explorer Styling
id: file-explorer-flat
type: class-toggle
title: Folder Arrows
id: ITS-folder-arrows
type: class-select
default: folder-arrow-hidden
label: Hidden
value: folder-arrow-hidden
label: Display
value: folder-arrow-display
label: Display On Hover
value: folder-arrow
title: Disable Bold Folder & Hover
description: Remove bold styling from folders & hovering on items
id: file-explorer-boldless
type: class-toggle
title: Disable Bold on Hover
description: Remove bold styling from hovering on items
id: file-explorer-boldless-hover
type: class-toggle
title: Folder Icon
id: folder-icon
type: variable-text
default: '"\e801"'
title: Folder Font Family
id: folder-f
type: variable-text
default: 'its'
title: File Icon
id: file-icon
type: variable-text
default: '"\e800"'
title: File Font Family
id: file-f
type: variable-text
default: 'its'
title: Vault Title
description: Desktop only
id: ITS-Vault-Title
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Vault Font
description: Vault Title fonts.
id: vault-font
type: variable-text
default: "'Calisto MT', 'Palatino Black', 'Book Antiqua', 'Georgia', 'Suez One', serif"
title: Vault Title Size
id: vault-name-font-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 20
format: px
min: 10
max: 25
step: 1
title: Vault Title Font Weight
id: vault-name-font-weight
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 900
min: 100
max: 900
step: 100
title: Vault Title Color
id: vault-name-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Hide Vault Title
id: vault-title-none
type: class-toggle
title: Add Vault Title Icon
id: vault-icon
type: class-toggle
title: Vault Image
id: vault-icon-image
type: variable-text
default: "url()"
title: Background Image
id: ITS-Background-Image
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Background Image
description: Toggle to apply background image to vault
id: background-image
type: class-toggle
title: Background Image
id: background-image-url
type: variable-text
default: "url()"
title: Background Position Height
id: background-image-height
type: variable-number-slider
format: "%"
default: 50
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
title: Background Position Width
id: background-image-width
type: variable-number-slider
format: "%"
default: 50
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
title: Image Blur
id: background-image-blur
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 11
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
title: Note Opacity
id: background-image-opacity
type: variable-number-slider
format: "%"
default: 90
min: 20
max: 100
step: 1
title: Side Panel Opacity
id: background-image-sidebar-opacity
type: variable-number-slider
format: "%"
default: 90
min: 20
max: 100
step: 1
title: Minimalist Workspace
description: Hide UI elements unless hovered over.
id: ITS-Minimalist-Workspace
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Minimalist Workspace
description: Hide everything listed below with just 1 toggle
id: minimalist-workspace
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Resize Handles
id: hide-resize-handle
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Scrollbars
id: hide-scrollbar
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Sidebar Ribbon
id: hide-sidebar-ribbon
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Sidebar Ribbon Icons
id: hide-sidebar-ribbon-icons
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Vault Name
id: hide-vault-name
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Search/File Explorer Nav Icons
id: hide-nav-header
type: class-toggle
title: Hide File Explorer Icons
id: hide-file-explorer-icons
type: class-toggle
title: Hide App Title Bar
id: hide-titlebar
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Status Bar
id: hide-status-bar
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Outline Plugin Heading Icons
id: hide-outline-heading
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Tabs
id: hide-titlebar-tab
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Tab Outline
id: hide-tab-outline
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Note Title Bar
id: hide-note-title
type: class-toggle
title: Hide Note Title Bar Icons
id: hide-note-title-icons
type: class-toggle
# title: Hide Frontmatter
# id: hide-frontmatter
# type: class-toggle
title: Note
id: ITS-Note
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
title: Document
description: Emulation of microsoft document look.
id: writing-document
type: class-toggle
title: Paper Shadow
description: Vignette / paper burn option
id: paper
type: class-toggle
title: Writing
description: Minimalistic/distraction free layout design for notes.
id: writing
type: class-toggle
title: Disable Source View Styling
description: Undo sizing/style fixes to make source view look more like plain text
id: disable-source-styling
type: class-toggle
title: Text
id: ITS-Text
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
# -
# title: Note Text Size
# description: Adjust size for text in notes.
# id: font-text-size
# type: variable-number-slider
# default: 16
# format: px
# min: 10
# max: 20
# step: 1
title: Justify Text
description: Justify preview and editor text
id: justified
type: class-toggle
title: Font Ligatures
description: (Depends On Font) Text combines into symbols ie. - - > becomes -->.
id: lig
type: class-toggle
title: Paragraph Spacing
description: Adjust spacing size for "paragraphs". Search "spacing" for more fine tuned adjustments.
id: p-spacing
type: variable-number-slider
default: 1
format: rem
min: 0
max: 2
step: 0.1
title: Fonts
id: ITS-Fonts
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Text Font
description: Changes text font for preview and edit mode.
id: default-font
type: variable-text
default: "Inter, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Microsoft YaHei Light', sans-serif"
title: Monospace Font
id: font-monospace
type: variable-text
default: "'Fira Code Medium', 'Source Code Pro', monospace"
title: Comments Font
id: comment-font
type: variable-text
default: "'Fira Code Medium'"
title: Advanced Text Decoration
id: ITS-Text-Decoration
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Bold Weight
id: bold-weight
type: variable-number-slider
default: 600
min: 100
max: 900
step: 100
title: Bold Color
id: bold-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bccad8'
default-light: '#697580'
title: Italic Color
id: italic-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bccad8'
default-light: '#697580'
title: Strikethrough Text Color
id: strikethrough-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bccad8'
default-light: '#697580'
title: Strikethrough Line
id: strikethrough-line-thickness
type: variable-number-slider
default: 1
format: px
min: 1
max: 5
step: 1
title: Strikethrough Line Color
id: strikethrough-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bccad8'
default-light: '#697580'
title: Images
id: ITS-Image
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Live Preview Image Float
id: lp-img-float
type: class-toggle
title: Center Images
description: Center ALL images, excluding those with |left or |right in them.
id: img-adj-center
type: class-toggle
title: Clear Images
description: Push image under/over headings or horizontal lines
id: img-adj-clears
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: false
title: Image Captions with Alt Text
description: Make any alt text in image display as an image caption
id: image-caption
type: class-toggle
title: Horizontal Lines
description: Push image under/over any horizontal lines
id: clear-hr
type: class-toggle
title: Headings
description: Push image under/over all headings 1-6
id: clear-headings
type: class-toggle
title: Heading Specific
description: Push image under/over some headings and not others
id: img-adj-clears-headings
type: heading
level: 4
collapsed: true
title: Header 1
id: clear-heading-1
type: class-toggle
title: Header 2
id: clear-heading-2
type: class-toggle
title: Header 3
id: clear-heading-3
type: class-toggle
title: Header 4
id: clear-heading-4
type: class-toggle
title: Header 5
id: clear-heading-5
type: class-toggle
title: Header 6
id: clear-heading-6
type: class-toggle
title: Note Title
id: ITS-Note-Title
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Note Title Styling
id: ITS-Note-Title-Styling
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Note Title Gradient
value: file-header-gradient
label: Note Title Underline
value: note-title-underline
label: Note Title Overline
value: note-title-overline
title: Inline Title Styling
id: Inline-Title-Styling
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: Heading
label: Heading
value: inline-title-style-heading
label: Text
value: inline-title-style-text
title: Inline Title Specifics
id: ITS-Inline-Title
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Inline Title Sizes
id: Inline-Title-Sizes
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Small
value: inline-title-small
label: Medium
value: inline-title-medium
label: Large
value: inline-title-large
title: Inline Title Fonts
id: inline-title-font
type: variable-text
default: 'Calisto MT'
title: Inline Title Font Weights
id: inline-title-weight
type: variable-number-slider
default: 700
min: 100
max: 900
step: 100
title: Inline Title Positions
id: Inline-Title-Positions
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Left
value: inline-title-position-left
label: Center
value: inline-title-position-center
label: Right
value: inline-title-position-right
title: Headers
id: ITS-Headers
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Headings
description: Heading and Vault Title fonts.
id: font
type: variable-text
default: "'Calisto MT', 'Palatino Black', 'Book Antiqua', 'Georgia', 'Suez One', serif"
title: Header Font Weights
id: header-weight
type: variable-number-slider
default: 700
min: 100
max: 900
step: 100
title: Header Underline Height
id: header-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 8
step: 1
title: Heading Spacing
description: Adjust header spacing
id: heading-spacing
type: variable-number-slider
default: 10
format: px
min: 0
max: 50
step: 10
title: Header Positions
id: ITS-Header-positions
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Left
value: headings-left
label: Center
value: headings-center
label: Right
value: headings-right
title: Hide Header Underline
description: Hide ALL header underlines.
id: hide-header-underline
type: class-toggle
title: Heading Indicators
id: heading-indicator
type: class-toggle
title: Heading Styles
description: Heading styling.
id: ITS-Header-Styles
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: false
title: Center Header With Lines
description: Center ALL headings with lines on either side
id: hcl
type: class-toggle
title: Header Color Override
description: Header color always applied over other markdown in the header
id: heading-color-override
type: class-toggle
title: Illusion Theme Inspired Headings
id: illusion
type: class-toggle
title: Advanced Heading Options
id: ITS-Advanced-Header
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Heading Top Spacing
description: Adjust header spacing above the header. (Will not apply in LP)
id: heading-spacing-top
type: variable-number-slider
default: 10
format: px
min: 0
max: 50
step: 10
title: Heading Bottom Spacing
description: Adjust header spacing below the header. (Will not apply in LP)
id: heading-spacing-bottom
type: variable-number-slider
default: 10
format: px
min: 0
max: 50
step: 10
title: Header Font
id: ITS-Header-Fonts
type: heading
level: 4
collapsed: true
title: Heading 1
id: h1-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Calisto MT"'
title: Heading 2
id: h2-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Calisto MT"'
title: Heading 3
id: h3-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Calisto MT"'
title: Heading 4
id: h4-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Calisto MT"'
title: Heading 5
id: h5-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Calisto MT"'
title: Heading 6
id: h6-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Calisto MT"'
title: Header Font Size
id: ITS-Header-Font-Size
type: heading
level: 4
collapsed: true
title: Heading 1
id: h1-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 34
format: px
min: 12
max: 40
step: 2
title: Heading 2
id: h2-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 30
format: px
min: 12
max: 40
step: 2
title: Heading 3
id: h3-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 26
format: px
min: 12
max: 40
step: 2
title: Heading 4
id: h4-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 24
format: px
min: 12
max: 40
step: 2
title: Heading 5
id: h5-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 20
format: px
min: 12
max: 40
step: 2
title: Heading 6
id: h6-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: 18
format: px
min: 12
max: 40
step: 2
title: Header Colors
id: ITS-Header-Colors
type: heading
level: 4
collapsed: true
title: Heading 1 Color
id: h1-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Heading 2 Color
id: h2-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Heading 3 Color
id: h3-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Heading 4 Color
id: h4-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Heading 5 Color
id: h5-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Heading 6 Color
id: h6-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Header Alignment
id: ITS-Header-Alignment
type: heading
level: 4
collapsed: true
title: Heading 1
id: h1-text-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: left
- left
- center
- right
title: Heading 2
id: h2-text-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: left
- left
- center
- right
title: Heading 3
id: h3-text-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: left
- left
- center
- right
title: Heading 4
id: h4-text-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: left
- left
- center
- right
title: Heading 5
id: h5-text-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: left
- left
- center
- right
title: Heading 6
id: h6-text-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: left
- left
- center
- right
title: Illusion Headings Specifics
id: ITS-illusion-headers
type: heading
level: 4
collapsed: true
title: Illusion Heading 1
id: illusion-h1
type: class-toggle
title: Illusion Heading 2
id: illusion-h2
type: class-toggle
title: Illusion Heading 3
id: illusion-h3
type: class-toggle
title: Illusion Heading 4
id: illusion-h4
type: class-toggle
title: Illusion Heading 5
id: illusion-h5
type: class-toggle
title: Illusion Heading 6
id: illusion-h6
type: class-toggle
title: Advanced Heading Underlines
description: Specific adjustments to heading underlines.
id: ITS-Advanced-Header-Underlines
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Underline Height
description: Resize specific heading underlines heights.
id: ITS-Header-Underlines-Height-Specific
type: heading
level: 5
collapsed: true
title: H1 Underline Height
id: h1-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 6
step: 1
title: H2 Underline Height
id: h2-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 6
step: 1
title: H3 Underline Height
id: h3-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 6
step: 1
title: H4 Underline Height
id: h4-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 6
step: 1
title: H5 Underline Height
id: h5-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 6
step: 1
title: H6 Underline Height
id: h6-border-line-height
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 6
step: 1
title: Underline Width
description: Resize specific heading underlines widths.
id: ITS-Header-Underlines-Width-Specific
type: heading
level: 5
collapsed: true
title: H1 Underline Width
id: h1-border-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 100
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: H2 Underline Width
id: h2-border-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 85
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: H3 Underline Width
id: h3-border-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 65
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: H4 Underline Width
id: h4-border-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 44
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: H5 Underline Width
id: h5-border-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 25
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: H6 Underline Width
id: h6-border-line-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: Hide Underlines
description: Remove specific heading underlines.
id: ITS-Header-Underlines-Hide-Specific
type: heading
level: 5
collapsed: true
title: Hide H1 Underline
id: hide-header-underline-1
type: class-toggle
default: false
title: Hide H2 Underline
id: hide-header-underline-2
type: class-toggle
default: false
title: Hide H3 Underline
id: hide-header-underline-3
type: class-toggle
default: false
title: Hide H4 Underline
id: hide-header-underline-4
type: class-toggle
default: false
title: Hide H5 Underline
id: hide-header-underline-5
type: class-toggle
default: false
title: Hide H6 Underline
id: hide-header-underline-6
type: class-toggle
default: false
title: Underline Colors
description: Change colors for specific heading underlines.
id: ITS-Header-Underlines-Colors-Specific
type: heading
level: 5
collapsed: true
title: Heading 1 Line Color
id: h1-border-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#912e2e'
default-light: '#bb5555'
title: Heading 2 Line Color
id: h2-border-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Heading 3 Line Color
id: h3-border-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bf5e5e'
default-light: '#ce6d6d'
title: Heading 4 Line Color
id: h4-border-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#61afef'
default-light: '#5599d0'
title: Heading 5 Line Color
id: h5-border-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#2f3b4d'
default-light: '#b5c2d8'
title: Heading 6 Line Color
id: h6-border-line-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#2a2e35'
default-light: '#ccd6eb'
title: Links
id: ITS-Links
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Link Style
id: link-style
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Underline
value: link-underline
label: Notion Style
value: link-notion
label: All Caps
value: link-caps
title: Link Font
id: link-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Inter"'
title: Exernal Links Font
id: link-external-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Inter"'
title: Link Font Weights
id: link-weight
type: variable-number-slider
default: 500
min: 100
max: 900
step: 100
title: Lists
id: ITS-Lists
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Default Bullet Disc Shape
id: list-default-bullet
type: class-toggle
title: Colorful Bullet Color
description: Toggle on to use colorful bullets
id: list-bullet-color
type: class-toggle
title: Colorful Bullet Lines
description: Toggle on to use colorful bullet lines
id: list-lines-color
type: class-toggle
title: Neon Lines
description: Toggle on for lines to have a neon glow effect
id: list-neon
type: class-toggle
title: Lists / Bullet Adjustments
id: ITS-Lists-Lines
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Bullet Shape
description: Add quotes around your new bullet. For example "~"
id: bullet
type: variable-text
default: '⬥'
title: Bullet Shape Font
id: bullet-font
type: variable-text
default: '"ITS"'
title: List Line Thickness
id: indentation-guide-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 2
format: px
min: 0
max: 3
step: 1
title: List Root Spacing
id: root-list-spacing
description: Adjust list margins (ul, ol)
type: variable-number-slider
default: 10
format: px
min: 1
max: 16
step: 1
title: List Spacing
description: Adjust list item spacing (li)
id: list-spacing
type: variable-number-slider
default: 1
format: px
min: 1
max: 16
step: 1
title: Original Bullet Lines
description: Lines appear beside bullet
id: list-bullet-side-lines
type: class-toggle
title: Alternate Indentation Style
id: alternate-indent
type: class-toggle
title: Remove Spaced List Styling
description: Remove spacing of all bullets if bullets are separated by a new line
id: disable-spaced-lists
type: class-toggle
title: Checkboxes
id: Checkboxes
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Disable Alternate Checkboxes
id: alt-chkbx-off
type: class-toggle
title: Colorful Task Text
description: Add color to the text of the task.
id: check-color
type: class-toggle
default: true
title: Colorful Task Backgrounds
description: Add color to the background of the task.
id: check-bg
type: class-toggle
default: true
title: Normal Task Text
description: Reapply regular text color and font weight to the text of the task.
id: check-text
type: class-toggle
title: Restore Checkbox Strike
id: check-strike
type: class-toggle
title: Advanced Checkbox Strike
description: Strike for specific checkbox types.
id: Checkbox-Strike-Specific
type: heading
level: 5
collapsed: true
title: "[x] Regular"
id: checkbox-strike-regular
type: class-toggle
title: "[X] Checked"
id: checkbox-strike-checked
type: class-toggle
title: "[-] Dropped"
id: checkbox-strike-dropped
type: class-toggle
title: "[>] Forward"
id: checkbox-strike-frwd
type: class-toggle
title: "[<] Migrated / Backward"
id: checkbox-strike-bkwd
type: class-toggle
title: "[D] Defer / Date"
id: checkbox-strike-date
type: class-toggle
title: "[?] Question"
id: checkbox-strike-q
type: class-toggle
title: "[/] Half"
id: checkbox-strike-half
type: class-toggle
title: "[+] Add"
id: checkbox-strike-add
type: class-toggle
title: "[R] Research"
id: checkbox-strike-rsrch
type: class-toggle
title: "[!] Important"
id: checkbox-strike-imp
type: class-toggle
title: "[i] Idea"
id: checkbox-strike-idea
type: class-toggle
title: "[B] Brainstorm"
id: checkbox-strike-brn
type: class-toggle
title: "[P] Pro"
id: checkbox-strike-pro
type: class-toggle
title: "[C] Con"
id: checkbox-strike-con
type: class-toggle
title: "[Q] Quote"
id: checkbox-strike-quot
type: class-toggle
title: "[N] Note"
id: checkbox-strike-brn
type: class-toggle
title: "[b] Bookmark"
id: checkbox-strike-book
type: class-toggle
title: "[I] Info"
id: checkbox-strike-info
type: class-toggle
title: "[p] Paraphrase"
id: checkbox-strike-para
type: class-toggle
title: Callouts
id: ITS-Callouts
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Callout Styling
id: callout-style
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Original Callout Styling
value: callout-original
label: Callout Block Styling
value: callout-block
label: Callout Alternate Line Styling
value: callout-alternate-line
label: Callout Bordered Styling
value: callout-bordered
# label: Callout Outline Styling
# value: callout-outline
title: Disable ITS Quote Callout Styling
id: default-callout-quote
type: class-toggle
title: Tags
id: Tags
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Colored Text Tags
description: Tags appear as just colored text, no background color.
id: tag-text
type: class-toggle
title: Tag Radius Style
id: ITS-Tag-Style
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Bubble Tags
value: tag-bubble
label: Notion Tags
value: tag-notion
title: Outline Tags
id: tag-outline
type: class-toggle
title: Tag Outline Border Size
id: tag-border-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 2
format: px
min: 1
max: 4
step: 1
title: Tag Font
id: tag-font
type: variable-text
default: '"Inter"'
title: Tables
id: ITS-Tables
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Alternating Background Colors
id: ITS-Table-Alt-Colors
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Original Alternating Background
value: tables-alt-original
label: No Alternating Backgrounds
value: tables-no-alt-background
label: No Alt Column Background
value: tables-no-alt-column-background
label: No Alt Row Background
value: tables-no-alt-row-background
title: Table Styling
id: ITS-Table-Styling
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Add Table Borders
value: tables-borders
label: Dark and Bold First Column
value: table
label: Wikipedia
value: tables-style-wikipedia
title: Center Tables
description: Center tables to middle of page
id: tables-center
type: class-toggle
title: Wide Table
description: Tables widened to touch ends of the page
id: tables-wide
type: class-toggle
title: Unwrap Table
description: Unwrap tables in source mode
id: table-unwrap
type: class-toggle
title: Disable Row Hover Highlight
id: tables-no-hover
type: class-toggle
title: Table Header Adjustments
id: ITS-Table-Header-Adj
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Table Header Height Padding
id: table-header-padding-y
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 4
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
title: Table Header Width Padding
id: table-header-padding-x
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 10
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
title: Table Header Font Size
id: table-header-size
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 16
min: 12
max: 30
step: 1
title: Table Header Font Weight
id: table-header-weight
type: variable-number-slider
default: 800
min: 100
max: 900
step: 100
title: Table Cell Adjustments
id: ITS-Table-Cell-Adj
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Table Cell Height Padding
id: table-cell-padding-y
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 4
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
title: Table Cell Width Padding
id: table-cell-padding-x
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 10
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
title: Table Cell Font Size
id: table-text-size
type: variable-number-slider
format: px
default: 16
min: 12
max: 30
step: 1
# title: Table Cell Font Weight
# id: table-text-weight
# type: variable-number-slider
# default: 500
# min: 100
# max: 900
# step: 100
title: Horizontal Line
id: ITS-HR-Line
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Horizontal Line Centered Vertically
id: hr-center-vertically
type: class-toggle
title: Horizontal Line Height
id: hr-thickness
type: variable-number-slider
default: 2
format: px
min: 0
max: 5
step: 1
title: Horizontal Line Width
id: hr-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 100
format: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
title: No Horizontal Line Symbol
description: Hide the horizontal Line Symbol entirely
id: hr-no-icon
type: class-toggle
title: Horizontal Line Symbol
id: ITS-HR-Line-Symbol
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
title: Horizontal Line Symbol
description: Add quotations around symbol ("⚡"). Use the codepoint for symbols from supported font icons ("\e800").
id: hr-icon-symbol
type: variable-text
default: '"⚡"'
title: Horizontal Line Symbol Fonts
description: Font Icons. Default font aligns emojis.
id: hr-icon-font
type: variable-select
default: its
- its
- Material Icons Sharp
- remixicon
- fa5
- default-font
title: Horizontal Line Symbol Padding
id: hr-icon-padding-x
type: variable-number-slider
default: 4
format: px
min: 0
max: 10
step: 1
title: Embeds
id: ITS-Embeds
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Clean Embeds
description: Embeds that look like they're part of the note.
id: embed-clean
type: class-toggle
title: Dark Background Embeds
id: embed-dark-background
type: class-toggle
title: Embed Heading Minified
description: Shrink embed headers
id: embed-mini-headers
type: class-toggle
title: Canvas
id: ITS-Canvas
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Canvas Cards Styling
id: canvas-cards
type: class-toggle
title: Milanote Styling
id: canvas-milanote
type: class-toggle
title: Canvas Arrow Coloful Text
id: canvas-arrow-text-color
description: Make text on canvas arrows match the color of the arrows
type: class-toggle
title: Canvas Card Background Color Brightness
id: canvas-color-opacity
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.07
format: ''
min: 0.04
max: 0.18
step: .02
title: Properties / Metadata
id: ITS-Metadata
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Metadata Key Font Size
id: metadata-label-font-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: .9
format: em
min: .4
max: 1.5
step: .1
title: Metadata Value Font Size
id: metadata-input-font-size
type: variable-number-slider
default: .9
format: em
min: .4
max: 1.5
step: .1
title: Metadata Key Width
id: metadata-label-width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 9
format: em
min: 8
max: 15
step: 1
title: Metadata Colorful Label Styling
id: select
type: class-select
allowEmpty: true
default: none
label: Text Color
value: metadata-label-text-color
label: Label Background
value: metadata-label-background
title: Metadata Value Background
id: metadata-value-background
type: class-toggle
title: Metadata Title Positions
id: metadata-title-align
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: true
default: center
- left
- center
- right
title: Metadata Title No Icon
id: metadata-title-no-icon
type: class-toggle
title: Colors
id: ITS-Colors
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
title: Text
id: ITS-Colors-Text
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Text
id: text
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bccad8'
default-light: '#697580'
title: Soft Text
id: soft-text
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#aab3ca'
default-light: '#d04e4e'
title: Faint Text
id: text-faint
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#4e5b6f'
default-light: '#4e5b6f'
title: File Explorer Titles
description: File/Folder text color.
id: nav-item-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#aab3ca'
default-light: '#7e8ea3'
title: "`` Text"
description: "Html `` text color."
id: i-at
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#bf5e5e'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: "Math Text Color"
description: "Mathjax/Latex color change"
id: latex-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#e06c75'
default-light: '#a35158'
title: Workspace
description: Recolor some UI colors
id: Workspace-Colors
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Note
description: Note and sidebar colors.
id: note
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#1a1e24'
default-light: '#f8fbff'
title: Outer Sidebar
id: outer-bar
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#0e0f15'
default-light: '#dfe7ef'
title: Sidebar
description: Change only sidebar, right settings pane colors.
id: side-bar
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#1a1e24'
default-light: '#f8fbff'
title: Dark Sidebar
description: Left settings bar, background, graph background, and pane separator colors.
id: dark-sidebar
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#10161d'
default-light: '#7e8ea3'
title: UI Elements
id: Workspace-Colors-Elements
type: heading
level: 3
title: Button
id: bttn
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#7c2929'
default-light: '#c24747'
title: Sidebar Active Icon Color
id: sidebar-icon-color-active
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#e5ebee'
default-light: '#e5ebee'
title: Sidebar Hover Background Color
id: nav-item-background-hover
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#7c2929'
default-light: '#c24747'
title: File Icon
description: File icon color.
id: file-icon-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#586477'
default-light: '#a6bbde'
title: Folder Icon
description: Folder icon color.
id: folder
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#883737'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Folder Icon Open
description: Open folder icon color.
id: folder-open
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#e05858'
default-light: '#ce6d6d'
title: Scrollbar FG Color
description: Scrollbar thumb/foreground color
id: scrollbar-thumb-bg
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: true
default-dark: '#863737'
default-light: 'rgba(134, 173, 218, 0.157)'
title: Tab Stack Shadow
id: tab-stacked-shadow-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgba
opacity: true
default-dark: '#001c4a15'
default-light: '#001c4a15'
title: Popover Background Color
id: popover-background
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
default-dark: '#1a1e24'
default-light: '#f8fbff'
title: Note Elements
id: Note-Element-Colors
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
title: Headers / Headings
id: ITS-Colors-Headings
type: heading
level: 3
title: Headings
description: Heading (Vault, etc) Color
id: headers
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#c14343'
default-light: '#d04e4e'
title: Tags
id: ITS-Colors-Tags
type: heading
level: 3
title: Tag Background
id: tag
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#571a1a'
default-light: '#c65656'
title: Tag Text Color
id: tag-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#e5ebee'
default-light: '#e5ebee'
title: Lists
id: ITS-Colors-Lists
type: heading
level: 3
title: Bullet Color
id: list-marker-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#883737'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Number Color
id: list-numbered-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#883737'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: List Line Color
id: indentation-guide-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#283846'
default-light: '#ccd6eb'
title: Blockquote
id: ITS-Colors-Blockquotes
type: heading
level: 3
title: Embed/Blockquote
description: Embed/Blockquote color.
id: embed-bg
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#10161d'
default-light: '#f1f5ff'
title: Blockquote Border
description: Blockquote Border color.
id: blockquote-border-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#252c36'
default-light: '#dde4ef'
title: Code
id: ITS-Colors-Code
type: heading
level: 3
title: Code Background
id: code-bg
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#232831'
default-light: '#eef6ff'
title: Code Text
id: code-text
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#fa4545'
default-light: '#ea4262'
title: Horizontal Line
id: ITS-Colors-HR
type: heading
level: 3
title: HR Border Line
id: hr
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#3c5274'
default-light: '#d6deea'
title: HR Icon
id: hr-icon-color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-dark: '#883737'
default-light: '#c14343'
title: Progress Bar
id: ITS-Colors-Progress-Bar
type: heading
level: 3
title: Progress Bar Value Color
description: HTML